Any other breeders who thread test sex of eggs using black thread on a needle?

This is the one superstitious method that I have some family members that have held onto for decades.
There's a few variations like hanging a woman's wedding ring on a necklace over her stomach to sex unborn children.
I've seen every spin on this throughout my life and can assure you it's not accurate and there's no science to back it.
When I was child a few of us learned that with this miracle method rocks, bottle caps, pine cones and dirt clods all had clear genders.
It was amazing.
This is the one superstitious method that I have some family members that have held onto for decades.
There's a few variations like hanging a woman's wedding ring on a necklace over her stomach to sex unborn children.
I've seen every spin on this throughout my life and can assure you it's not accurate and there's no science to back it.
When I was child a few of us learned that with this miracle method rocks, bottle caps, pine cones and dirt clods all had clear genders.
It was amazing.
Actually it is the properties of certain metals to be attracted to the magnetic qualities a lot like static and a balloon. In this case however the object needs to be light enough weight to react properly to the atomic activity creating life in the egg. In the dark ages there were recluses with narrow minds who also slaughtered our early inventors scientists and physicians much this current activity. I don't know about your rotten socks, only about scientific material. Of course you with religious frenzy do not have atomic matter. Lol
Actually it is the properties of certain metals to be attracted to the magnetic qualities a lot like static and a balloon. In this case however the object needs to be light enough weight to react properly to the atomic activity creating life in the egg. In the dark ages there were recluses with narrow minds who also slaughtered our early inventors scientists and physicians much this current activity. I don't know about your rotten socks, only about scientific material. Of course you with religious frenzy do not have atomic matter. Lol
I never mentioned using this on humans. We are in no way related to chickens. It is the kind of thing that ruins real evidence. Frantic people get carried away with most things you tell them. Did any of you who posted need to? There was clearly a question asked. Who has also used this method with success. Had I violated your religion I would be expelled.
Actually it is the properties of certain metals to be attracted to the magnetic qualities a lot like static and a balloon. In this case however the object needs to be light enough weight to react properly to the atomic activity creating life in the egg. In the dark ages there were recluses with narrow minds who also slaughtered our early inventors scientists and physicians much this current activity. I don't know about your rotten socks, only about scientific material. Of course you with religious frenzy do not have atomic matter. Lol
so cool. you sound like a great scientist. if people do not believe in it, they should not come on here. that is not what this thread is for. I have a family member that tested this, and sure enough, his guess of 8 hens and two cockerels is right. They are laying and crowing, so he knows for sure. (he wanted 2 more roos). he color coded the eggs, and it was orange and green that were boys all along, so head on down to his place and se the two roos with those exact colors on their legs. @Star silkies is right
Actually it is the properties of certain metals to be attracted to the magnetic qualities a lot like static and a balloon. In this case however the object needs to be light enough weight to react properly to the atomic activity creating life in the egg. In the dark ages there were recluses with narrow minds who also slaughtered our early inventors scientists and physicians much this current activity. I don't know about your rotten socks, only about scientific material. Of course you with religious frenzy do not have atomic matter. Lol
So the atomic activity of creating life in the egg causes a magnetic effect and the needle reacts to that?
So why does it either spin in circles or sway back and forth?
Males and females give off different atomic activity?
Do you have a mirror in your house?
E=mc2 can not be applied to sexing chickens inside an egg. This is pseudoscience. @Star silkies you are referencing atomic magnetic energy, but you don't seem to actually understand what your talking about. We are not in the dark ages and no one is bringing up religion except you. I am a Health and Science Major, working on Masters. I have a firm grasp on this subject. Atomic energy generated by electrons creates random magnetic fields, at best you could magnetize a needle and observe some kind of pull from another living thing, like static electricity, but it will never have a definite one direction or the other rotation to dictate a specific outcome.
Holding a needle on a thread in your hand, you are influencing the movement, there's no way to hold completely still.
For the sake of experimentation I think we'd all love to see you build a rig to hold the string for you. Also you never answered me before about performing this on the spot where chicken copulation happened 48 hours after the fact, you have cameras you review before doing this? And a lot of free time?
At this point I feel like this is all just to entertain yourself with our reactions.
Here is a topic. I thread check all my fertile eggs now. And I am 100% accurate. Here is why I do that. I have an adorable very petite black bearded silkie hen. She has a problem developing her egg shapes. The other day for instance her egg had 2 points. It thread tested hen! Had it been a roo it would be a breakfast egg at the house (we have several silkie roos). But the needle spun out into a big circle. I stopped the needle and started again patiently. It did it twice. Into the incubator it went! I have a great time with all of this. Could we start a conversation with this info. I'd love to chat about it as a topic. Have a good day everyone.
I am checking in from my seat in the waiting room at tn. Oncology in Tullahoma TN. Ty to those few people who joined the conversation because they had positive results determining roosters using needle and thread.
In physic the energy of the subject at rest assuming the subject is an embryo in an egg is scientifically determinable once the exact measure of mass and it's qualities are determined. I did note the rapid pace of the needle's revolution over a hen embryo. I won't give you all my personal details. I will say however my husband and I were researchers for years and featured on radio shows concerning sound frequency research.

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