Any other "Old McDonald" farms out there?

3 Dogs (Damon, Sadie, Benny)
20 chickens
1 500lb pet Hog (Thorton)
1 goat (Bob Marley)
5 Horses (1 Friesian named Xena; 4 quarter horses)
1 Donkey (Leroy)
2 Cats
For the first time in my life, I have moved to a place that does not have restrictions the number or type of animals I can have.

So I am a starter: "Old McDonald".
We have:
4 dogs
Just ordered 30 peeps (to be delivered in May)
3 barn cats
2 goats
I want a donkey

Yep. I have 5 indoor dogs (3 German Shepherds and 2 Chihuahuas)
3 "outdoor" dogs - German Shepherds - they come in also but most of the time are out
1.5 outdoor barn cats (one permanent, and one that I know of that roams farm to farm)
3 indoor cats
3 Canaries
about 60 Gouldian, Society, and Zebra finches (little hobby of mine)
1 blue Parrotlet "Blu"
4 horses - two of which are pregnant mares
4 sheep
12 hens
3 chicks
OH and lots of fish - two indoor tanks, one small outside goldfish pond
I think that's it.

if you want to check out my dogs go to
lol here is out list we have Ringlet a herford heifer, gonna get her bred this year I think
Patrick brown swiss steer
Trinkit holestien steer
the steers will go into the freezer in a couple of years give or take
goats they are mostly apine and several mixbreeds
Bucks are Charmer and his son khole
boer/alpine cross buck his name is Bitty Buck lol he is real short
an unanemed weather he will be sold
Earless/Ginny laMonchia mixbreed her name is Ginny but I call her Earless
Rochelle Saanen doe
Little Darling Alpine doe
Little Jewel togg mixbreed doe
Carlie Alpine doe
Melody Alpine doe
HoHo alpine/boer cross doe
Twittter ginny's doe from last year
Breanna boer doe
alpine doe(for the life of me I can't think of her name lol)
and now the kids from this year
3 bucks not named , because we are not keeping the
Charlie doe outta Carlie
Harmony doe outta Melody
and woot best for last
Cupid, Candy, and Rosie outta Ginny wahoo triplt does giggle
6 ducks
5 bunnies
loads of chickens at least 200 give or take:p
several barn kitties
and 1 outside do Duff

in the house we have two little dogs Pipper and Teke
1 turtle
two ten gallon fish tanks with fish lol
a koi who is around 8 years old
1 peach dove who is very very spoiled lol
also several ringnecked doves
I've had a bit of everything over the years, an aviary with almost 200 finches, Button Quail, 2 Cockatiels, a Parrotleet, 6 Parakeets, Pigeons, and a Canary, 2 horses, at one time I bred Guinea Pigs, and had 33 adults plus 100 babies, about 15 adult dogs, and 14 puppies, I can't even count the cats and kittens, must be about 100, 2 geese, about 20 adult rabbits, and 100 bunnies, a hedgehog, Ferret, Chinchilla, a pig, 1 mouse and 3 rats, turtles, and frogs, an Iguana, lizards and snakes from the yard, my parents rule was that if I could catch it, I could keep it! Currently I have 12 goats, 6 dogs, 9 cats, 3 finches, about 150 chickens, a 90 gallon fish tank, and a huge pond filled with Koi. I know I'm forgetting some! I'm really low on animals right now, if it was up to me I would have a couple of everything!
We currently have:

4 dairy goats (an alpine doe, 2 alpine nubian mix does, and a baby buckling off the alpine doe)

5 chickens (with 15 chix due to arrive this Monday)

6 dogs (golden mix, australian shepherd, 2 chihuahuas, 2 bratty poms - all fixed)

2 cats (both fixed)

a hedgehog

one horse (that is actually living on my sister's 160 acre place with her horses)

we may acquire a rock pebbler (my niece's bird that she doesn't want to move to her new house with her new hubby)

I could have more, but hubby likes to keep everything neat as a pen and won't let me have more until he gets things ready. We've actually wanted to add a miniature horse just for fun (we had one a long time ago) and I'd love to have a pig (but only for a pet and I don't like the pot-bellied ones so I'm not sure what kind to get that won't get HUGE). Hubby actually talked about raising some turkeys, and I'd love guineas for snake killing, but I can't seem to keep those boogers alive!!

Anyway, I love my little farm...
I don't exactly have farm animals...but I got..

1 dog

2 horses

1 rabbit

1 hamster

1 lovebird

1 crab

3 tree frogs

1 rat

and sadly, no chickens currently:(
Wow! Reading all of your animals, I guess we would qualify too! Here's our current list:

1 dog
2 cats
1 scarlet macaw
1 lovebird
1 haster
1 gerbil
28 chickies
tons of fish
hermit crabs
and my sons garden snake (that has lived (so far) to a ripe old age of 3! And thats guessing that it was less than a year when he found it. Dtupid pet store told me it wouldnt survive.....I hate snakes...I should sue them all...)

Plus we'll be adding (in about a month or so, when it really warms we have to dig out a pond

2 kid goats
pair of rouen ducks
pair of toulous geese (spelling?)
1 bronze turkey

We also feed the local stray barn cats, who reward our kindness by bringing us partially killed rodents and birds for me to step on in my bare feet when I step out to grab the paper. Lovely!

Does that classify me as a petting zoo, or just plain crazy? lol
HI I guess you can say we fit.
outside- hunting dogs and farm goodies
4 coon hounds (my husband's hobby)
1 beagle
4 barn cats
8 hens + 2 roos

inside where my pets live.... hehehe

1 coon hound
1 beagle
1 dashhound
numerous freshwater fish
2 bull frogs
6 peeper frogs
and the weirdest

1 25lb pet raccoon -Baby

We are adding some more chickens in a few months and probably some more frogs

The husband is talking about adding turkeys or game hens like pheasents, personally I would like a peacock but thats not gonna happen
darn husband
i'm a little late on this one but i'll add mine too:
5 pekin ducks
2 geese
15 hens and 1 roo
4 goats 3 nigerian 1 pygmy
2 pigs
4 cats and mama is expecting
4 dogs and mandie had 5 babies that are now 4 weeks old
1 monkey(trouble) yes i said monkey
1 miniature dove
1 iguana
1 beta bowl
a goldfish bowl with two very lovely goldfish
a hamster
and last but not least 2 rats
i think thats it but i could have forgotten someone
oh and five kids and husband too(lol)

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