Any other RAW feeders? Dogs, cats, ferrets?

No offense dainerra, but I'm failing to see how rawdogranch is much help. Most of their pages are blank.
I like for some great info!
Thank you for your responses! Love this community. I have given them raw chicken wings, and today some raw cod. The youngest growls at the other two while eating it, so I know they love it. I will look up that site you suggested. Thank you.
I fed my Great Dane mix a raw diet and it made her last years more comfortable. I wish I'd started sooner. I tried with my other three and they were so resistant I gave up. To the question about cooked meat: it's not as good as raw but way better than kibble. I know a woman with 14 yr old poodles who has been feeding boiled chicken throughout her dogs' life. Just be sure to never feed cooked bones. If I ever start fresh with a puppy, it will be on a raw diet from day 1.
yeah, she has been updating the site. Pages are a bit up and down the last couple weeks as she changes them. I hope that she gets it all up and running soon.

She also has a spreadsheet you can download to help figure out amounts to feed of each food source (muscle/bone/organ). I actually liked the site better before it expanded.
Less info, but easier to find.

ETA: the reason some (many?) dogs are resistant to starting a raw diet is that it doesn't smell like food to them. It's like taking a child who has lived on McDonald's their whole lives and giving them a salad. They just don't recognize it. Kibble is full of "flavor enhancers" and chemicals to give it more smell and make it more attractive to the dogs. Raw meat, well, it smells like raw meat. If they just stare at you like "what the heck is this stuff?" take the meat and just lightly brown the outside of it - just enough to bring out the smell. After doing this for a couple days, I've never seen a dog not catch on. Then you can go back to just giving raw food.

Once you are started you will be amazed how easy it is. I always did freezer bags with 2 days worth of food. Then I would just give part of it at each meal. The good thing of raw is that every day doesn't have to be exactly perfect as long as it evens out over time. That doesn't mean you can feed nothing but chicken backs and hamburger for 4 months straight, but it is a little forgiving.
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