any Pit Bull owners here?


And what nice coloring! Very flashy. Looks like you got a real sweetie.

I have one pitt mix now. We think that he is part mastiff. He is the best of my dogs around the chickens. Dosnt even look twice at them.


And this is my poor katie-dog. She died a few months ago at the age of 18! She was a pit lab mix. This pic was taken weeks b4 her death. Lookin good for 18 huh?

We raise & show ADBA registered American Pit Bull Terriers.

We had pups last year that were raised around the chickens and still became chicken killers/eaters.

We also have a couple of adults that had never been around chickens until two years ago and they are fine around the chickens.

I think it depends on the individual dog and how high their prey drive...

Good luck and congrats on your new family member

What has 4 legs and an arm???................. A happy pit bull!

Before you jump all over me I am a huge fan of the breed and had been involved in pit rescue for quite a few years. I just tell this joke to other pit lovers as people who aren't might believe it.

I need to disagree with a prior post pits are definately NOT one person dogs, when socialized properly they love EVERYBODY equally.

I don't have one anymore. My last pit Lily had to be put down at age 5 because of severe arthritis...Yup age 5. Her and her two siblings were found in a dumpster. I adopted one(Lily) and took her to the vet she weighed 8lbs and we assumed she was 6-8weeks old.

Next vet check supposedly her 10-12 week vaccines guess what??She had her adult canines. That put her pretty darn close to 6 months old and at that point ahe weighed 12.5 pounds.

She was so severely neglected her growth was terribly stunted. She also had rickets which caused her legs to twist funny. Full grown she weighed 19 lbs or so.

I called her my teacup pitbull.

Anyways she looked like a caricature of a pit a HUGE head and a tiny body, I'll have to dig up a pic but I had her when I still had my 35mm cam.

Now here in ontario we have the horrible senseless breed specific by law. I will never own one of these guys again.

I have Bull mastiffs now, I love them, but they are not quite the same.

Whoa I'm rambling. I just feel passionate about this breed and love to find others who realize how great they are.

Congrats on your new puppy Oakley and remeber the golden rule for pits.

A tired pit is a good pit. They have energy to burn and will find a way to burn it if you don't direct them.

She is beautiful and it makes me a bit jealous.
With ours...the arm is all slobbered from trying to get someone to pet her!

Ours love EVERYBODY...especially kids! Of course, we watch her (as we do with all our dogs), but she lets the kids pull her hair, ears, etc and just keeps wagging that tail!

Amen to that! Our dog requires a full-day hike or a 3 mi minimum run at full speed!
DH just puts her harness on, gets on his bike and holds on for dear life (with a helmet and pads of course!) Luckily he does this in dirt...not asphalt.
Thank you for all the replies, and thank you to everyone for all the great stories and pictures. Oakley is doing very well and is fitting in perfectly with our family. We all just love her to pieces. She and my son (1) give each other kisses all day long, I keep having to get on to the both of them for that, and she loves our girls- chases them around during playtime, then they all nap on the couch together. I take her with us to take my oldest daughter to school and also to the park when we go. She is doing GREAT on the leash and I have started training her as much as I can at this point. I worked at a dog training facility for two years and learned A LOT from that. (in addition to basic obedience, they trained police k9s, search and rescue, service dogs, etc... it was a really fun job) Oh yeah... and she sleeps in the bed with us at night... no she is not spoiled rotten!
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I missed my chance to advocate the APBT?!?! OH NO!!! Well, anyhow, here is Diesel:




Check out those chompers- not a feather one!!!
He is supervised with the chickens.. and only bothers them when they have treats he thinks he wants! But he doesn't chase them, he simply "woofs" and they scatter like... well... chickens! Then he saunders over to the treats, usually decides he doesn't want them after all, saunders back to a place in the sun, and lays back down far enough away that the chickens can reconvien their munching. He's a love, and IMHO would never intentionally hurt anyone...
Four feet to the middle of the back in the middle of the night when he stretches.... that's another story

Good luck with Oakley, she is beautiful and looks like her and DD are already the best of friends!!!
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I agree with taraann81, pit bulls are not one person dogs.
Mine all love everyone they meet the first time they meet them. They will slobber you to death.

Any "pit bull" that acts like a one person dog is not being true to the breed. They were bred for hundreds of years to be people loving, dog aggro. Read the history of the breed.

I am going to stop before I get on a roll... LOL

>>>BTW, I hate it that your guys lost your rights to own such wonerful dogs because of Michael Bryant and his followers.
I also hate it that Darcy Allan Sheppard had to die in order to show the world just what kind of person Bryant is.
For those that don't know what I am referring to:
Michael Bryant got into an altercation with a bike messenger, ran over him, and fled the scene!

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