Any success stories on mixing your chooks with vermin chasing dogs?

Haha! BBQJOE you're too funny. To be honest I'm not worried about my landlord's jacks. They are interested in the chickens but don't seem at all excited or aggressive about them. They just kind of cock their heads at them and like to chime in howling when one of the girls starts singing the egg song
I'm surprised your dog is so special if she's half jack. They are usually very intelligent!

I'm from Maine Linda :) I'm pretty sure most people in the New England area say mum, but I can't be certain! I think I'll do like you did and just bring Ozzy in every day, even try putting them on him like you did, until the little ones are big and then let them go and just cross my fingers!
I'm pretty sure I could put my dog in with my chickens. She half Jack, and half chihuahua. She has a Jack body, and a beaner brain. The only thing she gets excited about are mice and pack rats.
While walking around with her, I've seen her almost T-boned by a running rabbit several times, and she couldn't care any less.

She hasn't shown any interest in the chickens since I brought them home to roost.

P.S. She's also dumber than 2 bags of hammers.

PPS don't get me started on this furry retard kid.
That is what my little dog is... He is the small one in my avatar. Not the brightest crayon in the box but a lover none the less.
Haha! BBQJOE you're too funny. To be honest I'm not worried about my landlord's jacks. They are interested in the chickens but don't seem at all excited or aggressive about them. They just kind of cock their heads at them and like to chime in howling when one of the girls starts singing the egg song
I'm surprised your dog is so special if she's half jack. They are usually very intelligent!
Daddy was a Chihuahua, mama was a Chihuahua, and my neighbors jack managed to get some time in as well.
Mama threw 7 perfect Chihuahuas and this jackhuahua thing.
My wife had to keep it.

For a number of years we had a pair, and bred a whole bunch of great Jack Russells. They are almost too smart for their own good.
We moved them down to the restaurant when we started it. The moose (male) met with a car on the highway,and the Monkey (female) hopped a ride in a car. The first time she did it, she came back. (miraculously) And the second time, she didn't.

Life goes on. I might have to get back into it now that I'm retired.

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