Any Tips for Identifying Chicks?


The Center of a 50 Mile Radius
Jan 31, 2009
Tulsa, OK
So I went to the feed store this evening to see what they list of desired breeds in one hand and pics of baby peeps in the other. After researching on this site and others, I felt I had a good idea of what I would be looking at.

I peered confidently over the edge of the cheeping bin labeled "pullets" and got ready to identify and select the chicks I wanted...and that's when my plans fell apart.

There were black peeps with varying amounts of yellow underneath and reddish peeps of varying shades along with a few grayish/brownish peeps without any other remarkable features zipping around and eating and snoozing and doing all sorts of cute little peep things.

Some had little feathers on their legs and some didn't. Some had yellowish legs and some had whitish legs. None of the black peeps had the yellow spot "I'm a barred rock" sign on their heads, and I got so overwhelmed and confused (and hypnotized by fluff) that I forgot to check to see if any of them had greenish/slate colored legs.

Are there some hints or tips anyone could give to help me ID the following breeds at 2-3 days old? I don't want Black or Red Sex-link, but I don't know how to ID these cute little fluffy buggers. (Except for the one naked neck I saw - I am almost sure it was a turken!)

Black Australorp
Barred Rock
Buff Orp

Thanks for any helpful advice you can give...and if you saw someone slinking dejected and peepless out of an Atwoods in NE OK this was probably me.
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I can try to help.
The australorps will be black with some white here and there, some on their faces and such.
Barred rocks will be black with yellow belly and yellow dot on the head.
RIR's will be red, some have stripes on their backs.
BO's will be more gold than yellow.

If you can get a mcmurray catalog it would help you alot.
No prob thats what BYC friends are for !

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