Any way to keep chickens off the doormat?


In the Brooder
9 Years
Feb 5, 2010
Tampa, FL
Our chickens are free range in our back yard, and for some reason they love to hang out right by the sliding glass door. I don't mind, except they poop all over the doormat where we wipe our feet! Obviously, going to wipe dirt off of your shoes and getting poop on them instead is no fun. So, any suggestions for ways to keep the chickens off of the door mat?
i think our chickens like to see their reflection (not as bad as the guinea hens, but that's another story) give them a mirror in their run?

i send my kids (and i go too) to chase the chickens off the deck. we flap our "wings" and holler.
i'm sure we look like lunatics, but the chickens don't linger on the deck much anymore.

good luck!
Keeping chickens off the doormat is easy. Just put it on the inside of the door!
I thought of chasing them away every time, but I don't want them to be scared of me! Plus, they wake up long before we do and we already have doormat surprises by the time we wake up!
The Ssscat product by multivet sprays a puff of condensed air when the motion sensor is triggered. I've used it to keep the chickens off the porch. It works great, just runs out of batteries quickly when left on all day (after a few days).
This is my DH's pet peeve. I have a glass back door too and they love to hang out there. I think it's warmer with the reflection off the glass. Anyways, he hates it when they sunbathe (and subsequently poo) on our coir back door mat. Since my girls only free range in the late afternoon (I'm a bit of a control freak), my back door is usually open. I spray them with water -- like training a puppy. It works. Don't know what to recommend for birds that are free choice free rangers...

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