Anybody done the math...?

underground chickenman

10 Years
May 30, 2009
Orlando, Florida
I'm curious to know how many cots you would need to have to have a constant supply of meat and eggs for, say, a family of four. The calculations would have to include eventual replacement layers and breeders and other data. There would, of course, be some variables, such has how many eggs and quail you eat in a given period, but somebody has to have calculated this based on some assumed numbers or averages. Anybody?

I'm curious to know how many cots you would need to have to have a constant supply of meat and eggs for, say, a family of four. The calculations would have to include eventual replacement layers and breeders and other data. There would, of course, be some variables, such has how many eggs and quail you eat in a given period, but somebody has to have calculated this based on some assumed numbers or averages. Anybody?


Well, with my 8 layers right now I am getting between 35 and 50 eggs per week.

Let's say I wanted to have a continuous incubate/hatch/brood/grow-out system going while keeping my main flock.

I think that your numbers are really going to depend on if you are going to be butchering and freezing some or going straight to the plate. If you are going to freeze some, you can do large hatches and simply thaw as needed. Otherwise, you are going to have to do smaller batches incubating or you'll end up paying for food for birds that you can't eat yet.

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