Anybody down for a Louisiana meet?

I know my husband, Dave has been communicating with you but just want to confirm again that there will be 5 of us for Saturday along with 1 young black Cochin rooster named Punk. I will bring food to share... not exactly what yet but chips for sure and a salad of some kind as well as a dessert. Can't wait to meet everyone! We're very excited to meet everyone.
Sounds good, I sent your hubby a PM, sorry I was too lazy to look you up, I have been sick this week, feeling better now though!

Whatever you decide to bring will be good with me! Check Dave's inbox and get my number and call me if you want!
Can't wait till Saturday!
I already have an overabundance of roos, but somebody might want them. I also have a freezer full of roos, so processing them right now isn't possible, unless you want to process them for yourself?

But, we would love to have more company! Please try to come.
I'll PM you!
hi! Thanks for the invite. Not sure if I will be able to make it-have to really save my money right now. Looking forward to a very special trio of birds in the future.
Thanks anyway. Is any one going to any of the Tea Parties on July 4th? They have 2 listed for Covington. Lets think about that also.
Doesn't look like I'm going to make it this weekend after all. Which is likely a disguised blessing.... I'd probly not be able to resist and would come back to my teeny apartment with a few eggs/chicks/pullets, and then the house closing would be rescheduled and the owners would bail on me, and I'd be stuck in a tiny apartment with chickens (and a grumpy landlady). Best avoid temptation until I've got the house purchased and the coop underway.

What's this about a tea party in Covington? Are there regular events in the area?
Is It a Taxed Enough Already Party? They had one here in BR recently and my hubby was supposed to go, but had to work. He might be interested in going to that.......
Sorry for those of you who can't make it, but maybe we'll ba able to do it again sometime soon and more will come.
Well guys! We had a good time today! I wish more of us could have made it, but It was a good turnout!
Miles and Olivia had a blast, she's so cute! Y'all tell her anytime she wants to rent a brother, just let me know!
Thanks so much Dave, Cindy, David, Michelle, Olivia, Leigh Anne, Carl and Paula you guys made my day!!!!
Thanks again Phoebe for hosting the party at your house! We had a wonderful time and I promise we will do something at our house before the summer is over. Maybe we can muster more folks to get out for some good ole chicken fun!!! Miles is too cute! Stay in touch.

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