Anybody else regret their initial coop design?

Chicken.Lytle :

My coop is a masterpiece. Master piece of scrap! It was improvised from salvaged materials and has a few, um, shortcomings.

I have started making improvements, first to increase floor space, next to add a nest box.

Do you have any frustrations with your current coop design?

Yes, my first coop was built by a drunk cousin. Need I say more?
Glad to see I'm not the only one obsessing how I'll rebuild our coop to better suit the ladies...

My hubby thinks I've lost my mind. But I've convinced him I CAN & WILL do it, so he's letting me take things over...
My first attempt at a coop was to build a tractor, it turned out great ,was built from roughcut and had hinged top for egg collection on both sides. Needed different housing for winter ,just in case they had to spend alot of time inside . Would have been ok if I didn't have 4 big buffs to fit in it( they aren't fat, they're poofy) lol.Actually the tractor is perfect for summer as they spend all of the daylight hours outside in the run. Moved to what was supposed to be my new garden shed.In the spring we will be putting proper nest boxes in , covering the floor with linoleum and adding a new "yard". Going to put the tractor to use as a growout pen for new chicks as soon as they are feathered out enough to withstand the cold. Love the chicken math thing 4+6+ another 12 in the spring !!! I love math!!!
I also wish I made mine larger. after you put feeders, waterers, buckets, nest boxes, roost, feed cans and of coarse chickens the coop does not seem so spacious
I wish the Dummies/Coop book had been out before I got chickens. I wish I'd have known about Chicken Math and that I'd become addicted to hatching. Had those two factors been in effectnthen, I would have built the largest coop in that book.

Mt first coop is a permanent A-frame, far too heavy to use as a tractor. My second coop was good for that time, but I built a third, and donated the 2nd to a fellow BYCer who needed one. Then I bought a coop built by a local builder. Then I transformed a plastic Little Tikes playhouse into a grow-out coop... And so it goes. Since then, added 3 coops and a converted rabbit hutch for quarantine/hospital quarters.

It would. Be nice to clean just one coop, and gather eggs from just one place.

But it does make for a rather eclectic and interesting Chicken Compound in the back yard!
I honestly have to say my first coop that I wouldn't change anything. When we added on and made it larger, I wish we could have opened up the middle more. (hard to explain) I have the nesting boxes that were on the first coop in the middle of the addition. (hope that sounds clear).
Other than that, I am pleased with the final result. It's big enough for me to go inside and stand etc. That was key, I didnt want to be bending over to clean/collect the eggs etc.
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My first coop has been great as has been my "forager" tractor. I wasn't sure I'd be physically able to take care of them so I didn't want to invest a whole lot of money. My converted doghouse will come out of my garage (Yeah!)and be used for a growout coop inside my new shed coop that I'm working on now. I am also building a secure run that they can come out to on their own. I do plan to keep the forager and let them out to pasture daily....they enjoy it so much. I think the best thing I did was go slowly and read all the trials & errors on BYC BEFORE I started building anything permanent.

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