Anybody grinding Grains for feed?


Oct 13, 2008
After all these horror tales, arsenic in Purina feed etc. I would like to try grinding in a coarse grind various grains for the chickens, but I would like to discover someone that is knowledgeable about what should go into the mix. Would really appreciate some help. Thanks in advance.
Here's a couple of recipes to be found searching around.

We are going to use the first one ourselves but haven't tried it yet as the chicks aren't coming until later this week.

----- Ed
Thank You ED, those are great sources. Your chickens will be very lucky and a benefit to the family. Thanks
I also grind the whole works as a dry feed.

Organics North Chicken Feed

6 part Black Oil Sunflower (17%P)
6 part Oats (12%P)
6 parts Red Wheat (17%P)

3 part Field Peas (24%P)
3 part cracked Corn (9%P)
3 part whole Flax (34%P)
3 part Alfalfa (17%P)

.5 part Kelp
.125 Oyster shell
.125 DE
.125 Azomite

For daily mash first 3 ingredients are mixed and sprouted. Last 8 ingredients are mixed and wetted for mash prior to mixing in with sprouts.

Proper ratio is as follows for daily serving..: 2 parts sprouts to 1 part mash.

Above mix has ::: PROTIEN= 17% unsprouted

Sup. With meat or fish which is about 25% protein

Sup with ACV, Kombucha, Yogurt or water kefir for probiotic..
This looks great. I am so glad that it does not contain soy. The sprouting takes care of the fact that it is too wild here for the chickens to free roam. Thanks a million.
Overrun with chickens, I should have asked this on the last post...

Do you buy hulled or unhulled sunflower seeds? I am not familiar with ACV, but can google it. Will google the kelp too for a source.

My chicks love yogurt! This sounds like a winner. I am glad the flax is left whole so it does not deteriorate. When you say Alfalfa, do you mean the alfalfa hay?

We have a wildlife habitat here in rural TX and only 3 chickens, Me First, an americana, Rosie, a production red, and Shadow a barred rock. All VERY tame. They have about 150 sq ' of hardware enclosed space on 5 sides, for protection against bob cats, coyotes, etc..

Thanks Again.
I use hulled black oil sunflower seed, the kind a the hardware store for $13 for 50lbs. Alfalfa meal or pellets ground up is what I use. AVC is Apple Cider Vinegar. BRAGGS brand of organic AVC is made in Texas! (Sure do love that stuff for me too..

Yep yogurt is great, the the sunflower goes bad like the flax if you grind it to far ahead.

Best luck!

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