Anybody have a cure for cracked heels?

I use an OTC product called Kerasal on a regular basis. It softens the thick callouses areas so that you can regularly "sand" off the excess. It is made specifically for this problem and has worked GREAT for me. It' available in an ointment (overnight with socks) and a cream (if you prefer dyatime use with sandals, like I do). It is not a instant fix but works very well over time.
I would say you need a bit more Vit B. if you take this suppliment each and every day, that will take care of the problem
Hope you feel bettter!
This is not really a cure, but its what I do in the winter and summer before bed! (Sorry if its already been mentioned!)

Soak your feet for awhile in a nice epson salt soak. You can do this while watching tv. Then right before bed (or whenever you get into your pjs) lather your feet in some nice lotion (Preferably something for cracked, dry skin. Jergens makes excellent lotion for this) After applying lots of lotion, stick your feet straight into socks and sleep with the socks on. The socks will keep in the moisture from the cream. After a few days of doing this, your feet should be noticeably softer.

I'm a diabetic, so I'm always worried about my feet. When they get too dry, I will do this and it usually works after just a few nights.
Well doe's anyone have this so bad till your heels look like mud that has dried and cracked.
Mine are very bad and the cracks get very deep and the skin is like hard leather and can be very painful.

Will the duct tape and bag balm work for this severe of a case???
a product called NU-STOCK.its sold by ATOZ VET SUPPLY,it is for dogs,but it works excellent for cases like this..also takes care of mange,hotspots,rain rot and unexplained skin fungas and bacterial infections..just in case any of you have those problems..
Dr. Scholls makes a cream, can't recall the exact name, something like "overnight relief". Comes in a light blue tube. Put it on before bedtime, wear socks to bed. Your feet will look and feel 100% better the next morning.
I'm going to try the Neosporin, Bag Balm and the night socks might do the duct tape.
The soaking in epsons salt sounds good too
Gosh bad as mine is i'm willing to do most anything i haven't worn sandles in 15 years

Thanks everyone

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