Anybody have any ideas for chicken entertainment?

Make an "ice cake" during the summer.

Fill a cake pan with about an inch of water, and add berries or treats of your choice. Let this freeze until solid enough to hold it's shape. Next, another layer of water and more berries/seeds, freeze, and repeat until cake pan is filled with water and seeds. Let freeze overnight and tomorrow you will have an ice cake. You do it in layers so that the berries won't all be at the bottom and it entertains them longer. To get it out, dip the cake pan in warm water for just a few seconds(don't completely submerge; only the sides need to come loose.) then tip it into a bowl in the chicken run. It'll keep them cool and entertained.
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All of these suggestions are great. I have a swing for my girls and they have fun with it all the time. They also just enjoy when I sit in the run and spend time with them. I have a little chair that I sit on which they also enjoy when I am not sitting on it, and they like to use me as a perch. They seem capable of making their own fun; the game I like to watch is "chicken keep-away" where one of them grabs a treat and runs away and the others chase her and try to get it. I think they are training me to give them treats.
This sounds a little silly, but the other day I simply filled a shallow box with a few inches of dirt, and that kept them busy for a long time. They had fun scratching for bugs, plants, etc... It's not really that "cool" but it works :)
During the late summer\fall I drill a hole in the smaller end of butternut squash and hang them in the chicken coop. To help them get the idea the first time i also made indentions around the bottom. They spun it around for days, till all that was left was a stem.
POPCORN they love it!!!!!!!!!!!!
What about unpopped kernels? I have a growing boy, so usually the popcorn is gone, but I was wondering if the unpopped kernels could be given to the chickens. Also I have heard frozen peas are a good cooling treat in the heat of summer. Have any of you given those to your birds?

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