Anybody have any pics of chocolate or dun colored chickens,dun sumatra

That spangled gene MAYBE in this cockerel. He has the silver too.

Negative on that one.. Spangling is a mixture of genes, Db(Dark brown, restrictor, which I don´t see in him at all) Pg(pattern gene, which I don´t see in him, but could be there) and Melanotic(Ml which I dont see in him at all) sorry.. but you can mate him to her and get a spangled son and mate that son back to her..
Negative on that one.. Spangling is a mixture of genes, Db(Dark brown, restrictor, which I don´t see in him at all) Pg(pattern gene, which I don´t see in him, but could be there) and Melanotic(Ml which I dont see in him at all) sorry.. but you can mate him to her and get a spangled son and mate that son back to her..

That will work. For now I have her in with my White cockerel to see what will come out. Here is one of her offspring. WAY TOOOO early to know how this little one will turn out. I see something coming along in the breast. SPANGLING???? That will take some more time to see if this chick has that going on. This one wanted desperately to not be photographed and I had to hold er back from runnin off the table. Took the pic outside in natural lite to see what color it was.

Here is a chocolate/blue, next to a lemon.

And a chocolate. Thought it was black at first, until I had real black chicks hatch.

I got a great variety of color this hatch, the first from my new roos. Silver creating lemons, blues and silvers in the same bird, blue and choc in same bird. What fun!
Okay, now this is just a idea:

I am thinking oc Chocolate/dun Pyncheons, I know they come on Mille Fluer, white, and porcelain. I was thinking of using either OEG or serama (which ever one that is closes to body type of pyncheon) to do this to enter the Dun gene in... but what color of Pyncheon would I use to have a easier time of getting dun?
Okay, now this is just a idea:

I am thinking oc Chocolate/dun Pyncheons, I know they come on Mille Fluer, white, and porcelain. I was thinking of using either OEG or serama (which ever one that is closes to body type of pyncheon) to do this to enter the Dun gene in... but what color of Pyncheon would I use to have a easier time of getting dun?
Do they come in black? That would be the best if you want solid dun. There are others who would disagree but I do not believe there is Dun in the Serama breed. There are good duns in the OEG's. There are 2 types of chocolate, the Dun type and the Recessive type. If you want recessive chocolate, there are chocolate Serama's.
I just peeked at some Pyncheon photo's online and they are mille fleurs then? There are Mille de Fleur OEGB's so maybe there are some that have dun?
Here is a dun chick, mother is one of my Dun Sumatra hens above. Sire is a half Araucana, half Orpington/Ameraucana cockerel in my chocolate project pen (Araucana's). Taken today. She really didn't want to face the camera

You can see more difference with her and one of my black Araucana chicks

Do they come in black?  That would be the best if you want solid dun.   There are others who would disagree but I do not believe there is Dun in the Serama breed.  There are good duns in the OEG's.  There are 2 types of chocolate, the Dun type and the Recessive type.  If you want recessive chocolate, there are chocolate Serama's.  
I just peeked at some Pyncheon photo's online and they are mille fleurs then?   There are Mille de Fleur OEGB's so maybe there are some that have dun?
i dont know but i will ask.

Yes the original color for them is Mille Fluer, ive seen OEGB in the same color but i dont know if that was from outcrossing or what.

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