Anybody have pictures of Olive Eggers?

I always thought that a mix of a BCM with a black ameraucana would be a beautiful olive egger. have any of you seen this mix?
I have 2 second generation OE's that are 75% BCM and 25% black Ameraucana. They are both big, black and beautiful. One has a straight comb and lays a dark chocolate brown Marans colored egg. The other one has a pea comb and lays a variety of different colored olive/khaki eggs. Some of them are even speckled. I love collecting her eggs because you never know what they will look like!

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My Barred-rock/EEs . They lay an olive drab colored egg (old WWII army color)
Awww! They are beautiful!!! My little chick Dustin looks kinda like them: he is bearded, has fluffy cheeks (muffs), and is feather legged. I'm sure he's an OE. Do y'all think he's an OE? I love him!
They are all of him, just at different stages.
My Barred Rock/EE's are the result of a cross of a Plymouth Barred Rock rooster and an Amerucana hen. None of mine have feathers on their legs. They do have greenish color on their legs; except for one rooster that has pinkish color to his legs.
I am looking for some help.My question is if you take a Blue Isbar and mate it with a Isbar/Wheaton marans mix will it end up being an olive egger.Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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