Anybody here a libertarian?

Thank you. Whenever people get really crazy against criminals, saying they should all be shot, have no rights, etc., I just imagine what it would be like to have a family member in prison. It makes it pretty easy to see that everyone has human rights.
If you actually read it, it looks straight up. Why is everybody so uptight about the veterans clause. The Army and the Marines do specialize in teaching how to kill. That is their job after all. It would make sense that if some wackos need to recruit people for killing, the veteran pool would be a good place to start. I wouldn't worry too much about savage. He is a zeppelin.

Were you aware that Bush commissioned these studies? A year ago the concern was left wing extremist groups. Veterans were included in that too.
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" DHS/I&A is concerned that rightwing extremists will attempt to recruit and radicalize returning veterans in order to boost their violent capabilities."

You dont find this offensive?

<< Antigovernment conspiracy theories and “end times” prophecies could motivate extremist individuals and groups to stockpile food, ammunition, and weapons>>

Guess I definitely qualify as an extremist, as I have been stock piling, guns, food and ammo since last summer.

<< Many rightwing extremist groups perceive recent gun control legislation as a threat to their right to bear arms and in response have increased weapons and ammunition stockpiling, as well as renewed participation in paramilitary training exercises. Such activity, combined with a heightened level of extremist paranoia, has the potential to facilitate criminal activity and violence. >>

Hahahaha now I have extremist paranoia along with most the other members on this site.

<< Open source reporting of wartime ammunition shortages has likely spurred rightwing extremists—as well as law-abiding Americans—to make bulk purchases of ammunition.>>

..............wait. War time shortages? How many years has the war been going on?? But the shortages didnt start until late last summer, spiking in November. The war caused this???

<< Rightwing extremist views bemoan the decline of U.S. stature and have recently focused on themes such as the loss of U.S. manufacturing capability to China and India, Russia’s control of energy resources and use of these to pressure other countries, and China’s investment in U.S. real estate and corporations as a part of subversion strategy. >>

What? You mean left wing extremists are HAPPY all of our jobs are being outsourced to China and India?

<< DHS/I&A assesses that lone wolves and small terrorist cells embracing violent rightwing extremist ideology are the most dangerous domestic terrorism threat in the United States.>>

Huh? I guess we're more dangerous than the moslem terrosist cells in the US?
I don't think they're talking about you. I'm sure you and many on this line are upset about a lot of this stuff, but that doesn't make you a right wing extremist. They're talking more along the lines of someone like those wackos in Waco or something like that. The right wing talkers are just trying to get more ratings.
heya all ....

edited to add....

In keeping with the spirit of original post, nope, not a libertarian - at the moment I am wondering if I want to associate with any of the political parties...

I'm gonna start my own party... need a kewl name for it though... maybe the Mojo Party. Yeah, that's it, the Mojo Party - we all sit around making voodoo dolls of those who don't believe exactly as we do and sacrificing Chicken McNuggets to the Spirit of '76.

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By wackos I assume your talking about the women and children that died at the governments hands?

No I was talking about the idiots that had them holed up and started an ill advised firefight with their kids and women there. Wackos.
By wackos I assume your talking about the women and children that died at the governments hands?

No I was talking about the idiots that had them holed up and started an ill advised firefight with their kids and women there. Wackos.

Ooooh riiight, you mean the Feds!!

I knew I liked you Beak....
You're my kinda Extremist
Look what I found (well, I stole it actually, cause I'm a dirty greedy capitalist pig) ....

I found my Padded Terrorist Cell!!!!


I can sleep easy, now, I have a nice soft place to bang my head

night all -

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