anybody here a victim of unemployment?

If its between working at McDonald's and a union job, I'd drop Mickey D's like a hot rock. But you are right, the right thing to do IS give 2 weeks notice.......however......I expect Mcdonald's would understand, even if they were annoyed.
yeah..i know..he would never pass up the union work ... when they call..he will go.
But still.... We live in a small town... i hate to screw people over.... *sigh* And union work is always off and on because the economy sucks right now...

Hes going to TSC today to see if they are hiring.. and to CAPS auto parts store. (he used to be the manager there...maybe they'd take him on part time or something...) but again...if they hire him..he would need to give a notice..and with the union you HAVE to work when they need you.
OOh well.. we'll survive.. i guess..
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yep, my DH too is looking for anything right now. His company of almost 10yrs downsized after a factory in India took alot of their business. Its crazy! We both used to work 60 hr+ a week. I never thought the overtime would end, let alone our jobs vaporize! I would have never believed it, if someone told me what was to come!
Just WHO then should we work for?? I'm not defending corporate greed. It exists. BUT BIG BUSINESS PROVIDES JOBS!! Have we as a country become so uneducated that we can't figure this out?
The ONLY way people can go back to work is IF there is an employer to go to. AND, most employers whether big or small are in business to make money. I don't agree with the ways some go about it. I think a lot of companies have lost the "employees make or break us" concept and worry way too much about counting pennies over people.
Blanket statements about the "EVIL" corporation though are just...............wrong. The richest man in the country still cares about his employees. (or seems to) He pays a good wage, provides excellent benefits, and runs a HUGE corporation. Microsoft. So he's evil too?
Jobs have gone away for a miriad of reasons. Government is the last answer to this problem. More regulations, taxes, and mandates only take away from the employers ability to hire and expand.
Now I'm rambling again and I'll shut up. For now.

How can you not worry about big business when they are the ones getting alot of YOUR tax dollars? Do you think places like wal-mart does this country good? They're partly to blame for so many factory jobs being outsoursed overseas! Capitalism is not true to any country, they go where they can make and save the most money. Whirlpool here just closed there doors last friday, why? wasn't because business is bad! Those jobs went to Mexico! Bill Gates is only one of a few outta thousands. And by the way..... unemployment benefits are taxed. And don't tell me that those folks get that money back either! I paid over 2 grand in taxes last year.

So, are you saying paying taxes is "loaning" the government money? And if you paid $2000 in taxes you had a good job. If you and I don't pay for those who won't work, who will?? There are programs, such as Food Stamps, that have a place. Short term, not cradle to grave. "MY OBAMA CHECK" comes from OUR pocket.
The jobs that leave the country left because you and I have demanded cheap trinkets. If you buy "MADE IN THE USA" and stick to it as much as possible, MAYBE those jobs will start coming back. When it becomes too expensive to outsource to other countries the jobs will have to come back. I'm not going to debate capatalism. WHY do you think everyone around the world used to want to come HERE? So they could be taxed to death, be told by some ruler (whether elelcted or self appointed) what, when and how to live?" FREEDOM!
Where are tax dollars sent directly to large corporation? Tax breaks are NOT the same. If by lowering corporate taxes that corp. can hire people, so be it. In the end, by having full employment, the tax revenues are recouped many times over.
I don't shop at Walmart for that reason. Unemployment is NOT the same as Welfare. You draw unemployment on what you paid in. It is determined by your wages, and length of time you worked. You also can be denyed UI if you quit, or are fired for just cause. I never needed UI until my job evaporated. I do wish more folks would realize that walmart does more harm than good. Theres a documentury about walmart... I didn't like them before seeing it, and I really don't care for them after seeing that. Its aweful!
I have a decent job as a nurse (been one for 38 years), my DH is retired and getting his retirement plus Social Security and we paid $22,000 in taxes (medicare and withholding) last year.

We made sure that we live where we could find and keep a decent job... but certainly aren't "well off". We just be sure we live within our means. That means saying "no" to a lot of things we'd like to do or buy. Like our parents did!!
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Individuals do not pay unemployment taxes. Employers are the ones who pay unemployment.

The latest estimates are that unemployment taxes for businesses may double or even triple by the end of this year because of all the folks filing for unemployment. That's going to cause many more businesses to close their doors.
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Not directed at anyone in particular, just a few things I've heard and happen to agree with...

If you want jobs in America then don't buy from companies that ship the jobs elsewhere. May take a while but eventually they'll get it through their thick skulls... perhaps when they have a warehouse full of dryers and no buyers... this is probably happening anyway since who the heck can afford a new dryer right now?

A LOT of folks need to trim back, not just those on unemployment, but many many more. For... what 30? years now our entire country has been living on credit, and house of cards is a rockin'... time to build up your foundation, and it is YOUR foundation. Nobody forced you to buy/lease a new car every 3-5 years... or to upgrade to a bigger house and now you can't pay the light bill... those were your choices, quit trying to make everyone else pay for them.

Put CHARITY funds back where they belong... with Charities... local churches and non-religious groups... you caring for your own... not you paying so Guam can have its own state quarter (yep, kids were very confused by that one they thought we only had 50 states)... help with bills, help with food, help with clothing... these things should be handled by folks locally who care... not by a pencil pusher in Washington who's never needed charity because he's got a government job.

And speaking of those, there are way too many. Between the politicians and all their bootlicking staff, the military -real job-, judges, prosecuters, police, fire, etc who DOESN'T know someone who works for the government? And that's not even counting the monstrosity that is the IRS... or the EPA (budget for 2011 asking for 10,020 Million -a sneaky way of saying- 10.02 BILLION, last year was 10.3, year before that was 7.6 -why the sudden jump?).... our country was founded to get away from overbearing government, not to become a country where a scary majority IS the government...

Meh, bit of a ramble there... has more info that I agree with.

For what 200 years now? blue and red have been fighting each other for power and letting this country go to pot... if we want anything done about it, we're going to have to do it ourselves and we can start right here in our own homes.
I think what she means by unemployment taxes is: When you get an unemployment paycheck..they take taxes out of it weekly..just like a regular pay check. And if you opt to not have the taxes taken out of the unemployment check weekly..then when you file taxes at the end of the year they take ALL the taxes out then in one lump.
So do pay taxes on your unemployment checks...
She specifically said, "You draw unemployment on what you paid in". This is a misstatement. You draw unemployment off what your employer paid in in unemployment taxes.

Edited to add:

The first $2400 in unemployment is not taxed (for year 2009 and it will likely be approved for 2010). After that, the rate is 10% of the unemployment amount you receive.
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