Anybody intrested


5 Years
Oct 16, 2018
Ozark Missouri
I am started to sell started pullets and cockerels of the French Marans sometime this spring, summer, and fall.
My list is filling up fast and if your interested please email me at
[email protected]


French Black Copper Maran


Roosters Weight : 7 - 9

Hens Weight : 5 - 7

Egg production 200+

Per year

The French Black Copper Marans are a Rare breed that lays rich dark Chocolate brown eggs. Their legs are lightly feathered. They do go broody often and make amazing mothers. There are a couple hatcheries that sale the French Marans and they sell great. This breed has very durable eggs. We have dropped the eggs many times and sometimes they don’t even break. Which always made me wonder how does the chick hatch if the the egg shell is so tough. I guess only the strongest ones hatch. Any of the Marans we sale will do great in poultry shows.
Started pullets - $22.00
started cockerels - $10.00


French Black Marans


Roosters weight: 7 - 9

Hens weight: 5 - 7

Egg production - 200+

Per Year

The French Black Marans lay dark Chocolate brown eggs, Which are very durable. This breed seems to be more heavier than other Marans. They do go broody often and make great mothers. They are a kid friendly breed. Here in the U.S. there very rare breed. There are a couple hatcheries that sale this breed and other breeds of Marans. It's been said that the Maran eggs are a Chefs favorite eggs to cook with. The Marans should be great at poultry shows because of their rarity.

Started pullets - $18.00
started cockerels - $8.00


French Cuckoo Marans


Roosters weight: 7 - 9

Hens weight: 5- 7

Egg production: 200+

Per Year

The French Cuckoo Marans are a Rare breed. Most Cuckoo Marans don’t like human contact. They do go broody occasionally, but they don’t seem to make the best mothers because this variety is very alert and if set off she tends to traple her chicks. When it comes to predators this breed has a wild instinct and has one of the best chances to escape from predators. Marans were developed from a small town in France which is called Maran. They lay dark chocolate brown eggs and their feet are lightly feathered.

Started pullets - $18.00
started cockerels - $8.00


Assorted French Maran Special


The French Maran Special includes a mixture of our three Maran breeds. No guarantees that you will get all three breeds but we assure you that you will get 2 of the three. We hope that you will like this assortment special and we find this to be a great deal!!!

Roosters Weight: 7 - 9 lbs.

Hens Weight: 5 - 7 lbs.

Started pullets - $15.00
started cockerels - $7.50

I am officially sold out for French Copper Marans and if you want any I can put you on my next year's list.

But I do have some French Black, French Cuckoo, and a mix special for the French Black and Cuckoo left. But if you're interested you might want to hurry because I just sold out of the French Copper Marans yesterday!!!
If interested email me @ - [email protected]

Hope to hear from you soon,
Omg, I got the prices wrong!!!!

The prices are actually

French Black Copper Marans
Starter pullets - $9.00 Sold Out - but you can get them next years
Starter cockerels - $ 5.00

French Black Marans
Starter pullets $8.00
Starter cockerels $5.00

French Cuckoo Marans -
Starter pullets $8.00
Starter cockerels - $5.00

French Maran Special
Starter pullets $6.50
Starter cockerels $4.00

Sorry for the mishap for those that emailed me these were the prices I was going off of so there are no mistakes so you are good if anyone has any questions please email me.

Sorry again,

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