anybody NOT have food and water available at night?

I'm pretty sure my big girls don't get off the roost at night. Unless I have a flashlight out there on they stay put on that roost at dark. I do keep their hanging food out and the waterer full all the time though.

Now, the babies have a light on still in the pole barn at night so upon the advice of fellow BYC members I've put their food/water in with them in their brooder box at night. My set up is that they get a large dog pen during the day and at night I put them in their rubbermaid tote for extra preditor protection at night. It works.
Dave has good thoughts there

Also the only reason I kept a 100 watt light bulb on at night i the winter time as I had heated waterers (in Iowa) was so they could get to feed and water early in the morning as I was wanting ferile eggs for hatching
in summer time I did not run the lights

In chicks it is so they can be warm and eat and drink at their own pleasure

some time chicks that are ob the low end of pecking list will eat when others are sleeping
this allows birds to grow at same rate
which is what you wat for them as good stock.
thanks for the wisdom and url Dave
I will save this to my favorites
Happy chicken lovers need happy chickens
I do not feed and water at night. My chickens free range from about 6:30am until about 8pm, then they head into thier covered run, which is where they have their food and water. Its kept their all day and they come and go as they please. At around 9pm they are on their roost and I lock the door to the coop and to the run. They come back out at 6:30 the next morning. They also get a few treats in the morning such as grits, fresh fruit, leftovers and bread. The only drawback is they want out at that time every morning, including the days that I want to sleep in! But other that they are fine.

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