Anybody NOT looking forward to their New Years Eve plans?

My plans for the evening included driving an hour to Camden, NJ for a party. Not to dis Camden, but, um, well...

It was the nice part of Camden and I was told we would stand on the roof of a very tall building and watch fireworks over the river, however, the drive back through Camden and Philly with all the drunks on the road so I could be home when my kids wake up the next morning was more than I wanted to deal with.

Got me a fire, heat lamp on in the coop, sleeping children, an awake DH, a bar of 85% cocoa chocolate, and a bottle of wine. Sooo much better than playing bumper cars with the drunks in Camden at 2AM~
Had a house full of hubbys rellys over Xmas so am having a nice peaceful break. new year was last night for us. Think you are very wise to stay at home. Allways a s**fight on new year. Hope you all have a good one.
Man o man, I'd do most anything for that chocolate! I am totally out of sweets here!
Well you could always have a beer Ranchhand!! Better for you than chocolate!! Thats my story and Im stickin to it!!
Come on over. I've got lots of fudge and crockpot candy, but the best is the buttermilk fudge.

If it's any consolation, I haven't been invited to a New Year's Eve party in over 20 years, I guess. We're just not in a social circle.

Happy New Year to YOU!
My husband is working, so I am alone... This is the first time in 8 years that we haven't kissed at midnight.
Hope that doesn't mean bad luck or anything. Happy almost new year in the central time zone!

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