Anybody on here ever heard of Caponizing ?

vent sexing,,,,,, spread their vent, take a "lookie-see" 2 "balls" hanging in there, roo,, none,,hen.

as far as i have been told,, i've had many people stop to buy chicks and do it right there.
i cant imagine its harder to vent sex then to caponize

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OK then, that's about as clear as...chicken poop!

Three of those four photos look identical to me, and the fourth not much different. I read through a book about vent sexing and had the same confusion. I'm rearing 7 straight-run and 4 sexed pullet chicks right now, I just took a good look at all their vents and still don't notice any differences.

I think it's like bank tellers learning to detect counterfeit currency. You have to get the training and spend much time looking at both types in order to gain the proficiency to notice the differences at a glance.

So JR, my questions remain: how did you know your 2-3 week old chicks were roos? And is it just as easy to caponize older chicks, at 5-7 weeks, when their sex differences are easier to detect?
Deffinately, it takes a lot of skill to do it right. I know the sexers here in ohio travel to about 6 different hatcheries to sex their birds. They make great money for their skills.
I found that the Nasco tool set is a very poor impression of the originals from nearly 100 years ago. The Nasco rib spreader doesn't work and the overall quality of the tools stinks. Save yourself several bucks and watch ebay for an old original tool set. The sets made by George Beuoy are the best in my opinion followed by Pilling. There are other names such as Dr. Edwards, but I would highly recommend the Beuoy tools. db

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