I have tried to get some answers reagrding my rooster Vida Blue.
He broke his leg friday and I need help in what to do. I put him in a splint and put him in a separate area of the coop.
Today, sunday, I redid the splint, wanted to see how it looked.
His leg is limp and he can't put weight on it. We have now put him in a large dogkennel, but still keep him in the coop.
Should I move hem away from the coop? Maybe inside or into our shed? He tries to walk but needless to say it is not working very well. Sometimes his foot ends up under him turned the wrong way.
We are pretty sure the leg is broken at the "hock joint" and that is per our friend "the nurse" who came over to help me splint it the first time friday.
Should I give him terramyacin? Any other supplements?
Please anybody out there, I posted this very question friday and never heard a word.
Kindly, Kycklingmamma
He broke his leg friday and I need help in what to do. I put him in a splint and put him in a separate area of the coop.
Today, sunday, I redid the splint, wanted to see how it looked.
His leg is limp and he can't put weight on it. We have now put him in a large dogkennel, but still keep him in the coop.
Should I move hem away from the coop? Maybe inside or into our shed? He tries to walk but needless to say it is not working very well. Sometimes his foot ends up under him turned the wrong way.
We are pretty sure the leg is broken at the "hock joint" and that is per our friend "the nurse" who came over to help me splint it the first time friday.
Should I give him terramyacin? Any other supplements?
Please anybody out there, I posted this very question friday and never heard a word.
Kindly, Kycklingmamma
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