Anyone care to guess what kind of dog I am?

Thanks Kitty! She's a real sweetheart. I had to dig her out of the azelea ( I know I didn't spell that right!) bushes at the ladies house because she was so scared. As soon as I touched her she yelped and peed all over. She fought me pretty good when I picked her up but she settled down soon after. When I got her home she tried to run and hide anyplace she could fit into. The kids blocked up all the hole in the yard, put a collar on her and then hooked her up to a leash. They sat with her the whole afternoon and by evening, she was following us all over the yard! She's a sweetie pie!

-Thanks to the rest of you for all of the guesses! I forgot to mention that she looks just like her momma, who was a medium sized girl with very LARGE feet! The feet is what had me going towards lab. Keep those guesses coming!
After reading that, I would say she is extremely lucky you came along. It doesn't sound like her old home was all that great. Good job rescuing her!
It's not that her home was bad, it was just that her owners are in the 80's and just didn't have the energy to entertain puppies. She was the last one left and didn't get any attention per se. That was another reason I couldn't just leave her there!
Gumpsgirl, YOU ROCK!! Gabby is beautiful.

I would definately say she has some hound in her. I have a Saint Bernard / Bassett Hound mix. Your Gabby has the same lower front leg joints, just like Ella.
Are you kidding?!?! I don't need anymore animals to feed Angela!
Just kidding! I'd take some apples for free if I could get them. Thanks for taking me with you to get pears. I wouldn't have this sweet little Gabby puppy if I hadn't of went.
Are you kidding?!?! I don't need anymore animals to feed Angela!
Just kidding! I'd take some apples for free if I could get them. Thanks for taking me with you to get pears. I wouldn't have this sweet little Gabby puppy if I hadn't of went.

I'll call about some apples. We can't pick them though, the owner picks them for me. He had someone ruin one of his trees one time. I might can also get some muscadine grapes. Yummy!!!

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