Anyone doctored a chicken taken by a coyote?

Hoppy's wound looked just like that !!!!! You need to trim the feathers away from the wound, clean it with peroxide, and then, sprinkle that on there.
I've seen many chickens, and the occasional duck, recover fully from some very nasty wounds. The key to aiding in recovery and defending against infection is separating the victim, keeping the wound clean, and applying some type of antibiotic ointment or spray. Epsom salt dissolved in water does wonders for cleaning injured tissue. Never use hydrogen peroxide. If the wound can be soaked for roughly 10-15 minutes, that is preferable however not always feasible. If the wound can at least be wiped down liberally with the salt solution it will still help in removing infection, dirt, or any other foreign matter that doesn't belong.

If the wound is deep, you will want it to heal from the inside out. Allowing a deep wound to scab over will only trap any infection that still remains. Hence, you will want to use the salt water often to keep the wound open.

I like to apply ointment, because it's thick and stays in place, which will also help keep the wound from drying up too soon. When my chickens were injured, I was new to all of the products available for them, and honestly never really looked. I did however, have triple antibiotic ointment for my family and thought what the hay? Worked like a charm. I have yet to buy vetricyn, because I can't find it at our local farm store, and the triple antibiotic ointment has worked just fine for me. Vetricyn comes highly regarded though in the livestock community so I may get off my bum someday and get some. Who knows. :)

Good Luck with your hens recovery. I would definitely say that if nothing is broken, and she seems alert, that she will survive and make a full recovery.
Thank you so much. She is alert and drinking a lot of water. also napping in my lap. I'll look for antibiotic ointment. I had forgotten about healing from inside first and allowing oozing.
Why would you use it if is dangerous?
I don't understand this.
It's not safe for people at all. It's made specifically for animals. There are some animals that you aren't supposed to use it on also, but you can use it on bird as long as you dont plan to eat them.
But that's why it's sold at the farm supply store and not the pharmacy, it's made for animal wounds.

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