Anyone else Crossfit or work out to Insanity?


9 Years
Aug 24, 2010
For the last year and a half, I've been really hitting my health and fitness hard, it's partially why I have chickens (for the eggs and companionship!!). I do not even care about weight's pretty much about health, strength and maintaining muscle. I like Insanity, don't get to it near as often as I like,but hope to step it up to Insanity asylum soon. And I Crossfit, too. I have started cooking more form scratch, eat cleaner, and drink my Shakeology. What do you do to exercise?
I have not tried those you mentioned.I started with simple walk at home DVDs,then moved on to a few Jillian Michaels.I have gone for zumba class as well.I order dvd through library interloan to try new things out.Our Y membership is over,so it is all home execise hon.
I have a pretty good stocked home library of dvds...brazil butt lift, turbo jam, hip hop abs, etc. and I LOVE zumba! I have never tried renting a dvd through the system you do you like the Jillian Michaels dvd?
I do both Insanity and Insanity Asylum and LOVE them both. The stronger you get the harder it gets because the more reps you do. I mix and match now to keep my body guessing. I do a cross fit class on Saturday and because of insanity and asylum I am able to keep up with those that do crossfit on the regular. I say keep at it and definately invest in asylum you will not regret it :)
sweet! I hope to start Insanity Asylum in October for sure....just want those fast feet, for sure. I do love my crossfit for sure, though, so I plan on mixing both Asylum and Crossfit together.....I ran today (which I hate) but I figure I have to tackle what I don't like. How long have you been crossfitting??

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