Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

So you are due on the 22nd?
Oh how interesting!
I saw them selling those online, but it isn't legal to raise them here.
Best of luck to you.
Imagine if they came a day early. You would have birthday chickies.

That would be an awesome present, as long as all were strong and healthy.
Imagine if they came a day early. You would have birthday chickies.

That would be an awesome present, as long as all were strong and healthy.

I think so too! LOL AND I have a batch of chicks coming in the mail that week!!! Good thing I got an extra big brooder!
Well I couldn't help it so I peeked lastnight. I candled all of my eggs and I think the shipped polish and EE are doing better than the local farmers eggs.
im just thrilled with any little fuzzy butts. My first batch of shipped eggs never hatched. So on day 23 I cracked all of them open and only two had about a week old embryo inside.
So lastnight when I saw so many moving I was ecstatic. The woman I ordered the eggs from is great when I told her none of the first 30 eggs hatched she sent me a dozen more for free. Hopefully in a few weeks ill be getting some BCM eggs from her.
My little ones are due on the 24-25th . My first batch of eggs from my own hens. First time incubating and phew its like being preggo waiting and waiting and waiting just to see what your first ultrasound looks like.
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Imagine if they came a day early. You would have birthday chickies.

That would be an awesome present, as long as all were strong and healthy.

I think so too! LOL AND I have a batch of chicks coming in the mail that week!!! Good thing I got an extra big brooder!

Thats so exciting. I may be getting some quail eggs tomorrow. So they will be due only a few days after the chickens

Even though my birthday isn't until next month. I still feel like it is my present. haha
Hahaha I love the Polish variety. They are so fluffy. And many remind me of those wise surfer dudes, in movies.
And I candled more eggs last night and discovered in almost all the eggs clear signs of a growing embryo.
I am so happy.
I even found some life in my double yolker. Though only on one yolk, can't really see the other all to well.
My two cracked eggs are also doing great(I repaired them) They seemed to be ahead of all the others actually.... Strange how that works out isn't it?
I have some eggs that look a day older than all my others ones, yet I started them all in the same day.
Haha if pregnancy is anything like this... I don't think I could handle it. Because it is only day five and I can hardly contain myself. I don't know how I would handle 41 weeks.

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