Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

That last one is what I am worried about the most. My lab Gus really loves to steal eggs out of the coop so he would have no problem with a feast out of the bator.

Ahh my dogs are just like betta fish. They have no idea how big they are. So they have broken and knocked down many things because they try to squeeze through too tiny of spaces.

I think we both need security guards or at the very least bouncers for the doors
Ahh my dogs are just like betta fish. They have no idea how big they are. So they have broken and knocked down many things because they try to squeeze through too tiny of spaces.

I think we both need security guards or at the very least bouncers for the doors

Hahha agreed. I should call one of my friends in construction, he would probably get the job done
Horray for black coppers!

Do you have any tips for candling their eggs?
I have one pure copper egg, and a bunch of halflings (or ones where one of the parents was half, and the other was pure) So I have a lot of dark eggs I can't quite get a good view of.

i havent got any tips on candling very dark eggs,
i usually try but never see anything

the eggs from this breeder are the darkest i have ever had, so i dont think i will see anything.

Horray for black coppers!

Do you have any tips for candling their eggs?
I have one pure copper egg, and a bunch of halflings (or ones where one of the parents was half, and the other was pure) So I have a lot of dark eggs I can't quite get a good view of.

i havent got any tips on candling very dark eggs,
i usually try but never see anything

the eggs from this breeder are the darkest i have ever had, so i dont think i will see anything.


Ahhh same here, maybe later on I will be able to see veins... Or smell something foul if it went bad.
Only tip I have come across for dark eggs is if it is really dark at the top, then it is most likely fertile.
Okay so i made a deal with myself today. No touch the eggs until the day after tomorrow.
At all

So now I am posting up these candling pictures, no idea if you will be able to see what is in them, because it is much easier to see in real life.
Oh yeah and this is mid day five for them (I think they might be a little behind, but then again I am new to this.)







Sorry the pics are so big, and not that great of quality. I actually had my camera on the food setting... How ironic.
But anyways, I shall not touch them again until the given date haha. Wish me luck.
Very easy to see in person, but on the pictures no v.v
I am making some outlines of them so i might post those up too.
(doing it mostly for facebook friends though)
well today i candled the eggs,i just couldent help my self...

i didnt bother with the marans eggs
out of the eighteen that i candled one brahma egg, and one riw X wb or bcm egg were clear,
there 4 ones that were maybes because they were darker and i couldent see properly...

the easiest eggs to candle were the leghorn eggs, i even saw the embryo move

i boiled the clear eggs and i will feed them to the chickens tomorrow,

has anyone else candled their eggs?

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Just now seeing this thread. I have 34 in the bator due to hatch the 23rd. I'm really stressing out about them!!!

I have 18 BLRW and 16 Blue Marans. I'm going to candle tonight. Some if my maran eggs look like I *might* be able to see into them. I'll post pics if we see anything good!

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