Anyone else due to hatch on March 23rd? *first post updated :) *

I use a super high powered LED flashlight, so would need another set of hands to safely take a pic!
I'll try tomorrow - everyone is in bed!

And I will be posting up my day 16 photos shortly. Just have to wait for photobucket to finish uploading
I have 19 Ameraucanas due on March 23-24. Started with 28, but some didn't develop at all and a few others had blood rings. Of the 19 left, 17 are definitely moving as of last night and the other 2 I simply can't see well enough to decide (don't have a good feeling about them, though. The sad part is that, on the 24th, I have ICU class all day and am working a 12 hour shift that night! WAH!! I'm going to be freaking out the whole time!

Lockdown on Sunday, I guess. Then I will get to gnash my teeth for a few days. Probably better make the dentist appointment now, since I will likely break a few of those same teeth during my freak-out period...
Sorry they are so huge.
But anyways do they look like they are on track? For day 16?
I think they do, but I also want a second opinion.









I have more fertile eggs than those, but I couldn't get any good pictures of them, since their eggs are dark.
I too just went on lock down.I have a 28 egg assortment of Barred Rocks,Bantam Cochins,Polish and Light Brahma Bantam and maybe some more Silkies.Thank God I remembered to take out the one turkey egg and put it in the other hovor since it has a few more days left.Everything is laying like crazy!!!I don't have enough incubators!!!I have a fridge sitting in the middle of the living room Chris says he is going to make into a large incubator.If not I will have cardboard boxes with light bulbs or something! I WILL however make room for the Sebastopol geese eggs.We just got our first eggs ever from them yesterday(2) and another 2 today!
I am so excited...I can't will be a long three days.The chicks are due on the 21st.
O.K.I just added the water...
now I just need to keep telling myself
"Step away from the incubator".
I would be completely crazy if it were not for the two little windows and the trusty flashlight!
Blood rings sometimes happen when the chick starts to devvelop, then, for whatever reason doesn't make it--when you candle the egg, it looks like a dark ring around the egg with none of those nice spidery veins that should be there (at least that's what mine looked like). When we did the eggtopsy on those eggs, there was only a tiny little black blob with a nasty looking ring of blood around the inside and a rather foul smell.
Day 21 for me is on March 22. I've got 21 of 23 d'uccle eggs from my flock that have made it thus far. I went ahead and put them in lockdown a day early. They are pure porcelain and porcelain roos over mille fleur hens.

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