anyone else hatching may 20th.

my first hatch ever is due the 20. i just put them in today i'm very nervous. i've got an awesome 19 lol i was supposed to get a dozen and barnyardmom showed up with 18 in a large egg carton and one sitting on top. the one on top was white and my hubby said whatever is in the white egg is his
I still haven't candled and they are supposed to hatch May 20th. I think I have his fear of screwing up the hatch so I'm finding any excuse not to candle. Lately, the excuse seems to be, I'm too tired at night.

Anyone else NOT candling?
They are now down to 17 eggs, aannndd I am taking them to school so the entire grade can see them hatch.
(not sure which one I should do yet. )
I HAD 30 to hatch on the 28th. Major problems with Brower incubators. (See my post on Brower top hatch critique) I already made two OK hatches this year with a Brower top hatch we bought last year. The first evening with the third hatch the motor quit. I switch the eggs to my backup BROWER , the old style with the wafer. The first four nights were good then last night the heat element quit. I checked to see what brand it was and sure enough it is also a Brower.

I finally threw in the towel on this effort. I still want to make one more hatch but I no longer have an operable bator. Anybody know how much a motor costs for the top hatch?
Mine aren't rocking either. I haven't candled them since day 12. Do they always start moving 5 days before they start hatching? I know I had a problem with the eggs being delivered in 90 degree temps and then they had to go back to the post office because we weren't here. I'm starting to get worried.

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