Anyone else have a horse that LOVES Wormer?


Emu Hugger
16 Years
Mar 10, 2008
a bumpy dirt road in Florida
I swear my Quarb pinto mare is such a loon.... she LOVES wormer, sucks it right from the tube! She would eat the tube if I didn't pry it out of her mouth. She also likes medicine..... most kinds. When the other horses go running at just a whiff of it, she comes running... silly horse.
Mine hate it like normal horses

Sometimes need a twitch to apply it.
My mini mule gets really light in the front end (lol) at the mere sight of the tube. It takes a few minutes of persuasion to even get in into her mouth. My two miniature horses tolerate the stuff. I do have two goats that beg for it, so much nicer than the two that make it into a wrestling match! I use an apple flavored formulation of ivermectin on my rabbits too, some of them like it, some, not so much.
Me! I have a retired Lipizzaner-Morgan-Arab cross who loves all types of wormer and has to be watched carefully to make sure he does not suck the plastic tube in and chew and swallow *that* too

My other two horses, and all other horses I can recall worming while working at various barns, loathed the stuff like any normal animal.

Mine hates wormer too, but loves Acculytes electrolytes. Some years back after I had just dosed herw ith electrolytes, the vet came out to give shots and Coggins etc. and when the vet went to give her the strangles vaccine, she grabbed the end of the intranasal tube and began sucking on it. She also likes Corta-Flex.
I think I'm spoiled with Max...

He just kind of stands there and lets me do it....doesn't freak at the sight of it. Probably because I give him a treat afterwards!
He would jump through fire for treats....

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