anyone else just LOVE roosters?

AHHHH!! I just LOVE all of the rooster decorations. oh no Now I HAVE to redo my kitchen...
That kitchen was totally cute! I also thing the roosters are so beautiful. Unfortunately, I've only had two, and I didn't keep them. But I have a young cockerel, a GLW, and I hope he grows up to be a nice roo.......

I definitely want to do my kitchen in roosters now!
I can't have roosters where I live
can't even legally have hens. BUT once I live somewhere out in the country where I can have a rooster I want 2 of them I think. I would LOVE an Easter Egger rooster because they are
and I would love to have a Barred Rock rooster from a breeder just because I love the hens and breed. I think that's what I will have once I am able to have roosters
Those aren't just decorations...........that kitchen is a shrine!!!
Love the pictures and the roos. I want a barred rock roo really bad and just waiting for the right one to come along.
I love the ones with the long flowing tails. The Phoenix's I think is one breed . . .just think they are so elegant. My neighbor told me NOT to buy any chickens with long tails or feathers on their legs, because they are just "fancy" chickens and not worth the trouble to keep them. I love her to death, but I was thinking to myself the whole time she was telling me this that I would most assuredly get what i wanted, since i was paying for them!!

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