anyone else just LOVE roosters?

Love em Love em Love em!!!
I love roosters, too! They're gorgeous and all of mine are such sweethearts! I have seven of them.
(Six of them were raised together and get along/live together, and the seventh lives in his own coop with his girls.)
My big boy is wonderful-he is a Silver Lakenvelder.
I also have some TEENY bantam roosters that are the meanest, most evil, bad tempered little critters I have ever come across-they are so bad that we call them the Gremlins. Having said that, I adore their vicious little hides.
longtails really arent that much trouble they just require open spaces to roam a lawn by themselves and keep the girls at a distance since they step on the tail...keep the coops constantly clean so they dont dirty their feathers and during rainy days keep in a dry place which is major in longtails water mud and cgicken excriment do major damage other than that easy care

ohh and depends also on which longtail..phoenix are easy tough ones are like ohiki or the rare birds that grown the amazing 6+ feathers..
Really my two little bantie roos are the SWEETEST they get subjected to my sons torturous play everyday other day he had them in plastic storage bin( lid off) and was pushing them down the walk way hit a bump roo went flying and he clapped and said MOM CHICKIE FLY and the little roo walked back and waited for him to put him back in sadly...can't keep roos here so I must find them good homes....
I love my girls, but I have had (and still have) some roos that I positively ADORED.
My FB avatar is a pic of my Buff Orpington roo Moose (short for mean Orpington rooster while he was going through his hormonal adolescence -- he is a calm, excellent roo & flock leader now). I lost my alpha roo Sarge (RIR) to a coyote attack last summer. He died defending his girls -- breaking my heart in the process.
I have Mr. Big Stuff, an OEGB bantam roo who thinks he's big & bad. Apparently he has the BR roo Brock convinced of it, too. Mr. Big will take off after Brock and run him all over our 1 acre yard until Brock either can't run any more, finds an escape or hiding place, or Mr. Big gets distracted.
I keep telling Brock to turn around and face him a few times, but he can't muster up the courage to do it.
I have 2 frizzle roos -- one black, one red named JoJo (black) and Dazzle (red). I have a bantam black cochin roo named Bart who is mostly good but can sometimes be a little stinker, hence his name (in some of the old westerns, there was a bad guy who always dressed in black and was named Black Bart.
) I have 4 2mo. old silkie chicks whose gender I don't yet know, but if they are roos they'll have a permanent home here. I love my girls, but I ADORE my roos!
ETA: As long as I am able to take care of a flock, I will have at least one roo.
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I think I should post a picture of my roos (especially Carl, the top cock of the walk) since I did post a photo of somebody else's free ranging roo....

This is Carl, an EE, my first accidental roo. I love him!

And here are my little Silver Sebrights and the bantam Buff Brahma who were the "wrong" 50/50 of my straight run purchases.

They're a gang of "teenaged" horn dogs, these boys. But they're SO cute!
We like roos, but I confess we have a "Boys Behaving Badly" pen where they go when the girls need a break. It is a good lesson for my teen and pre-teen boys.

It has been very difficult to run roosters together when the spring season is upon them. Even when they have been raised together.

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