anyone else just LOVE roosters?

My Zane, love of my life:

I really love my Roos. I have way too many but they are so much fun and imo have better (more interesting) personalities than the hens. About 90% of the chicken drama around here involves the roo/s
I like the way they have so many voices...different sounds for different things like: Predator alert, food, super awesome treat alert, let me help you lay your egg coos, hmmm what's that? alert (and awww it was nothin), all hell's broke loose and get out here quick (much more intense than just predator..this could mean there is someone in the wrong pen and they are getting thier butt kicked LOL!) , etc.

Most of my roos are pretty good and a few exceptional. There are also a couple stinkpots but I love them all the same
Something about a rooster makes those of the estrogen persuasion swoon at the sight of piercing eyes, flaming red comb, and strutty broomsweep of the wing. When I had roosters I'd snatch them up and kissed them until they submitted. Never had a mean rooster and a few would actually squat when I approached. I just love they way they walk the walk then pause to make sure they are being admired. Pause too long and I'd snatch 'em up!
I love roosters too - good thing as I currently have 12 of them! (Instead of decorating my kitchen, I decorated my yard!)
My husband built me a rooster coop located on the opposite side of our property from the hens' coop and I have 9 young ones (14 - 18 weeks) living there currently.

This is my very favorite (and oldest) roo, Emmet, a one year old Salmon Faverolles. He gets to live with the ladies.


And here is my youngest roo (5 weeks):


Here are a few of the rooster coop teenagers that I have pictures of:


Lt. Brahma/Salmon Fav cross

EE ("PIB" for "pain in butt" because he is, but he's pretty)

Crush (GL Cochin/Fav) and Pumpkin (Buff Brahma/Fav)

Gorgeous George

And last, but certainly not least, is Stuart Little, a 10 week old Mille Fleur D'Uccle cockerel that has an ego WAY bigger than he is!
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I love my roo's but was not loving mine this morning. He likes to crow before the sun even comes up. I would love him much better if he had a crow past 9am rule. hehe
Wow, such handsome boys! I am divided in my feelings about roos- I am new to chickens and ended up with ten packing peanut males in my order. I have no idea what breed they are and they are beginning to ride roughshod over my ladies (they are 20 weeks old now). No one would want a generic white rooster for anything other than the stew pot, so rehoming them isn't an option and I'm not sure what their ultimate fate will be in general. They follow me everywhere. Most tasks I complete on the farm are assisted by at least three boys at any given time- they love to eat the bugs out of the raised beds, they turn the compost pile, they tidy up the feed room floor etc. etc.
I only named one of them, as he's constantly at my side and he's easily discernible- his name is Deputy 40. He's on break on the snoopy rug and then consulting with me and my dog Jack.


Gosh I love my roosters too! Hens are nice but roosters are ... fabulous! And yes, I have way too many because I hatched out eggs and guess what? People only want hens (fools!). Just today I took back a gorgeous black frizzle who was part of a threesome I sold ... family loves him but their neighbors complained. If anyone is looking for a nice rooster and lives in Connecticut, come see me please! I have more than a few that could use a good home!

LOVE ROOSTERS!! Not only are they more beautiful than the hens, faithfull like clock work, 5am alarm clock without fail! Love waking up to the crows of my roo's! Great personalities, and very affectionate. The only problem that I seem to attrack with the roo's, they all do their lovely mating dance around me, too hilarious.

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