anyone else living in the northeast sick of all this rain?

Well we're in the middle of a storm right now.
The winds are so strong they actually pulled my tent in one direction. Huge tent that is carrying a portion of my 10 week old chicks.

I just found that one of my babies escaped (still don't know how!) and I was frantically looking for her in the rain. Found her a few soaking minutes later roosting on top of one of the cages. The poor dear was shaking, frightened. So I just put her back.

The sky is grey. I feel like I'm in a flashback of going to Florida in late summer and we were just about to go to the beach when on of those random aggressive monsoon-like erruptions occured.
Oh my gosh. I am SOOO sick of this yellow UFO! In my San Jose Calif., we are in a major drought, and literally EVERYTHING that grows from the ground is BROWN! Send all those awful storms in the NE my way, and the layer flock and I will be happy.
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I'll try to put a huge FAN on my roof and blow the storm clouds your way...but i dunno if it will work...they look awfully dark, full and heavy........

I might need two fans!!!




in soggy MAINE!!!!!
it is just crazy to me that yu are all in a heat wave and we have had 21 out of 26 days this month of nothing but rain.

global warming/climate changes I guess.
right there with you... finally the sun... but my chicks have just surrendered to the rain. They don't care anymore... if its raining they still play in it because what else can they do?! They'd never get to do anything at this rate!!!!!

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