Anyone elses hens gone on strike?


Poultry Princess
12 Years
Jul 16, 2008
North-West Georgia
My girls have just decided that they are not gonna lay. Not no, but HECK NO!
Mine too. Out of 10 actual layers, we got a whopping FOUR eggs today. I guess I wouldn't be in the mood to sit in a hot nest box on a day like today either!
My girls are too young to lay, but the folks who we get our CSA shares from have a large flock of laying hens, and about 24 of them have been on strike for a few weeks. They think it's the heat.
if your birds have been laying consistently for a few months o even a year it is normal for them to stop laying for a while and start up a few weeks later
not sure if it is the humidity but i went from 12 eggs a day to 1 to 2 eggs!!!
i can't wait until my little ones start laying!!
Mine stoped today. I have a dozen hens and only one egg a day. Course I was in and out of the coop all day. I did have 17 roo's down to 5 now. To hot to do more than that. Hope they all get going soon. The one started two weeks ago, a egg a day. 17 weeks old. Oh and by the way more roo's going Monday. Want to get down to two of them. The mellowest

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