Anyone else's Pekin ducklings have "wierd" feathers?


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jul 19, 2011
Sammamish, WA
Hi Everyone!

So my 7 week old Pekin "Bear" (the one and only miracle duckling that survived being mauled by a black bear a few weeks ago ) has gotten the majority of his/her juvenile feathers, but they're "odd"...some are white, which I'd expect, but some are gray and some are even this normal for juvenile pekins?? Also, ever since the bear attack there's been a little spot on the left side of Bear's head that the feathers stick out kinda first I thought they were just feathers that had gotten bent the wrong way or that there was a small scab underneath that was pushing them out...but now it's almost like a tiny sideways cowlick! Or like Bear is supposed to be crested but only has a tiny sideways crest! LOL! Who knows....anyway, take a look and let me know what you think about the coloring and funny cowlick!

P.S. Almost the entire area that had skin and feathers missing after the bear attack has grown back in! AMAZING! I thought for sure there'd be a bald patch!

WOW....that is that baby?!?!?!? Number one, she is gorgeous! Are you sure she is a Pekin? I know nothing about ducks, well....I am starting to learn!!!.....but she does't look like a Pekin. Number two....I can't believe that is the same baby. Amazing.

She had that little tuft of hair in her baby picture, so I wonder if she is "part"
Can you believe it?? I am just amazed at how well that sweet yellow duckling has done! They grow up so fast! I am now doubting that Bear is a Pekin...I was supposed to receive 2 Pekin eggs and 2 Black Swedish eggs (I had a broody chicken that was just aching to hatch something, so I got her duck eggs) egg turned out not to be fertile and of the remaining 3 that hatched so far the only duck that appears to be what it was supposed to be is the Swedish!! I guess I'll have to wait and see once they get through their first molt and get their adult feathers! Duckgirl89 tells me she thinks Bear is a female Welsh Harlequin....I'm kinda liking that! and it would certainly explain the odd coloring!
I am abot to get some, they are a plus, good broodys good moms lay well and very social! I am jealous! I have seen welsh girls that look like khakis and some look like off colored pekins like that. So I would not be suprised if she was. Hope she is!
Can you believe it?? I am just amazed at how well that sweet yellow duckling has done! They grow up so fast! I am now doubting that Bear is a Pekin...I was supposed to receive 2 Pekin eggs and 2 Black Swedish eggs (I had a broody chicken that was just aching to hatch something, so I got her duck eggs) egg turned out not to be fertile and of the remaining 3 that hatched so far the only duck that appears to be what it was supposed to be is the Swedish!! I guess I'll have to wait and see once they get through their first molt and get their adult feathers! Duckgirl89 tells me she thinks Bear is a female Welsh Harlequin....I'm kinda liking that! and it would certainly explain the odd coloring!

I would be jealous because WH females are TO DIE for gorgeous!

Mistakes can be wonderful, huh? (Not that having a Pekin is bad, know what I mean...LOL!)

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