Anyone ever get yellow eggs?

apparently, ameraucanas can lay a 'golden' or deep yellowish egg sometimes, depending on the past breeding, which, i THINK (as i am not an expert on the whole EE/Araucana/Ameraucana thing) makes it an EE.

there are lots of people who are well versed in these breeds can use the search feature to find more about those breeds.

there are olive, light violet, blue, green, and even very rarely pink and gold tinted eggs that can POSSIBLY show up with these birds.

no matter what, wouldn't it be neat to find? like the Easter bunny showed up just for the heck of it or maybe a practice run for the big Easter delivery!
Yes, yellow/gold like this
. I saw a drawing of Ameraucans and they had yellow, green, and blue eggs with it. I was wondering if anyone here has been so lucky.
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poop! isn't that disappointing! gyp gyp gyp!

it makes me think of Martha Stewart talking about her 'pure bred Amerauacana's that lay all shades of eggs, green, blue and brown....yadda yadda'

uh, how did THAT happen? now i know she's not nearly as swift as our own MissPrissy!!!

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