Anyone ever hatch a double yolker??


Free Ranging
16 Years
Feb 14, 2008
This world is not my home.
Was wondering if any of you ever incubated and hatched a double yolker? Did both chicks come out?
No, I haven't,but there is a thread somewhere on here about it. I was curious about it too. If I get a double yolker,I'm going to try to hatch it. I read that no chicks have survived, but there is always a first time. Apparently the air sac is only big enough for one chick.I think that's why they die. Don't quote me on that though.
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Hello, I did have a duck egg with a duckling fully formed and it died as it could not absorb all of the yolk. Unfortunately I have seen chicks hatch with yolk still out of them and it will begin to smell in your incubator, even if they are viable at hatching time, the yolk hardens on their outside and inside. Slow and painful death. So if you candle your eggs, you will not have to deal with dying chicks. (This happened to me with a faulty incubator themometer, some hatched at 19 days, then others hatched and died, smelled like rotten eggs, and out side they went in the cold before they hatched.)
I have had them get to the point of one chick actually pipping the shell but there wasn't enough room for it to turn and the other bottom chick never stood a chance....

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