Anyone ever just start over?


Dec 11, 2021
I’ve got 4 BRocks and 4 BJJ that all seem to have a pecking problem. I’ve put blinders on 6 of the 8, but still see bullying and pecking behavior out of multiple chickens.

I’ve tried adding extra roosts and places to go in the run, spreading out the roosts so they can’t peck at night, increasing the amounts of protein in their diets, more leafy green treats, blu-more, but I can’t seem to stop the pecking and feather pulling.

My rocks look terrible and all of the giants exhibit signs of feathers being plucked or pecked at. I watched them for a bit and have seen all of them chasing others around. What do you do in a situation like this? It’s a crap situation for the birds to live in and I can’t be sure that it’s just a single bird.


What do you do in a situation like this? It’s a crap situation for the birds to live in and I can’t be sure that it’s just a single bird.
Sounds like boredom led to behavioral issues that may not be fixed.

You don't say how much space is available.

Also.. did they molt this past year and have you checked for parasites?
I’ve poked around quite a bit for mites and lice but can’t seem to find any. I’ve checked at night, looked under wings, around vents, at the bases of feathers, just can’t seem to find them.

The coop is 8x8 and the run is maybe 150 square feet or more. They have free access to the run from 5am to 10pm. They had been molting, some went kind of hard. The rocks were in the middle of it but with the pecking can’t seem to regrow their feathers.
I’ve poked around quite a bit for mites and lice but can’t seem to find any. I’ve checked at night, looked under wings, around vents, at the bases of feathers, just can’t seem to find them.

The coop is 8x8 and the run is maybe 150 square feet or more. They have free access to the run from 5am to 10pm. They had been molting, some went kind of hard. The rocks were in the middle of it but with the pecking can’t seem to regrow their feathers.
Sounds good. What's their diet?
We had a variety of issues one year. In the fall we sold most of the chickens and kept 6 plus the rooster. Ahhhh….much better. Not sure if all the problem hens were gone but they were certainly dealing with a new environment, and behaviors were better.

More recently, we had an egg eating problem. Took out two we thought were culprits, placed in shaded wire cage (with food and water) in the run. Kept them there for 5 days. Let them out. No more egg eating for a couple weeks. Then it started again. We took same two out (we had banded their legs) and caged again for several days. So far, no more egg eating.

In your sitiation, id go for feed only, no treats. Well, you can use this “treat”: wet feed, somewhere around oatmeal consistency or wetter, sprinkle seeds or chopped fruit on top. This gets them to eat feed, drink water at same time. Does not dilute their nutrition either. Add some things to distract the line of sight. A pallet or board propped up along fence (but never in a corner bc a hen could get trapped and attacked), even a board propped between two stakes perpendicular to the ground (never up to wall fence, so no corners to get trapped in), a small kids picnic table or wagon, etc. if nothing improves enough, then you may want to sell or butcher done if them. In my experience, the BJG are less likely to be problem makers, but BR can be problems-it varies among each individual. The only time I ever saw my BJG girls get aggressive was pecking order issue of lower ranked bird trying to eat at same time/ next to the BJG.

Good luck.
I don't see what is causing it. You have plenty of room for your number of birds. No mites or lice. You've increased protein. You've cluttered the run. The only thing I'm not clear on is exactly what have you seen when you observed.

You said you've seen them all chasing each other. Does that mean you've seen them all plucking feathers? Do they eat them when they pluck them? I've hardly ever seen feather plucking so I don't have much experience to fall back on. The few times I've seen it there was no chasing involved. It was more like grooming where the other chicken just stood there, did not seem to mind. Not your situation at all.

To me this sounds like learned behavior. For whatever reason one started plucking feathers and taught the others. Them all chasing is what really confuses me. Usually it is one or some that do the chasing while it is certain ones being chased when bullying is involved. That doesn't sound like typical flock behavior.

I don't know what to recommend, other than more observing. See if you can identify an instigator. By now it may be several, some may have learned from the other. I've had luck changing behaviors by isolating a chicken for a while. Maybe isolating one or some until the feathers grow back enough to stop the plucking. I've also been known to permanently remove a chicken that is disrupting the peace and wellbeing of the flock.

I don't see any obvious or easy solutions. Good luck.
Sorry I’ve not replied to this thread. Chickens are still looking tough. Some more info:

-I feed out of a bowl and a feeder in the coop. The chickens generally hit the bowl as it’s easier to feed from. They should know the feeder has food as they used that for their first 9 months or so of life. The bowl will empty but the feeder always has food…maybe they forget that?

Roosts I have about 1 ft per chicken after removing the middle roost to create some space so they could t reach each other at night.

One barred rock in particular has little to no feather pecking at the base of her tail.

I put up some boards and other things in the run to sort of clutter it/give them more places to go.

Feed is 21% high protein layer feed from a national producer. Country Companion I think. Have been holding back on any treats besides some garden weeds.

Any more thoughts given that information? Thanks
-I feed out of a bowl and a feeder in the coop. The chickens generally hit the bowl as it’s easier to feed from. They should know the feeder has food as they used that for their first 9 months or so of life. The bowl will empty but the feeder always has food…maybe they forget that?

You *might* try switching to two identical feeders at opposite sides of the territory with some kind of baffle to keep birds from seeing the other feeder while eating.

If any of the behavior is feed-related that could minimize it.

No guarantees. :(
There’s a single, large barred rock that has no feather damage. I am going to isolate her tomorrow evening and see if that helps. They’re all pecked or so bare in places, I feel like I’ve failed them, which is a downer.

I should have nipped it in the bud as soon as I saw it starting, but I did not. I am beginning to lean towards culling the group and restarting. At least they would t go to waste?

I’ll try to do that suggested separation of the feed. I put it in heavy so they have no chance of running out. Outside they have two waterers. What a bummer.

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