Anyone experimented with Buff Orpington hen crossed with RIR ROOSTER?


10 Years
Jun 8, 2009
Pliny, West Virgina
Has anyone experimented with Buff Orpington hen crossed with RIR ROOSTER?

Anyone have pics of the results?

I've done a buff orp roo over a rir hen. The resulting offspring were a dark orange color. I named the one hen Nutmeg. No pics though, as that was quite a few years ago.
We've got a red Orp project on the go. Started with Buff Orp male on exhibition RIR females. We're on the third generation. Type is still a tad variable. The best being quite close to Orp type but not quite close enough. Colour not quite as dark as an exhibition rhodie but much darker than a new hampshire.
I have to admit, I like these birds. Anyone know anyone who has and sells these?

I don't know of anyone in US.
Henk knows of someone in US with the chocolate gene in Seramas.​
I hatched Buff eggs last year. I have one Roo that is the most beautiful gold/buff color and has black in his tail. I am inclined to thing she must have snuck into the RIR pen for a quickie, because this is the only chick to come out looking like this! He is beautiful, large! and very friendly. I have pictures of him...but I haven't read up on how to post to this site. If anyone is interested in him, I will be glad to give it a try or email it to you. He is up for grabs...I just have to cut down on Roos.....I'm not ready to start experimenting yet! Got too much to learn first.


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