Anyone Hatching on the 27th or 28th? - I Need Hatching Buddies!!

I had 2 chicks out of 10 hatch, but then my cat got into the brooder and ate them
I started with 12 eggs. My broody ate 3 of them, 2 exploded under her and 1 hatched. So today when my broody gave up on the remaining eggs, I knew it was time to open them up. I opened the 6 remaining eggs this afternoon. 3 of them EXPLODED
(good thing I had read about that happening and was prepared or I would have been covered in goo
), 2 were just yolk, and 1 had a chick in it.

I am guessing that the PO was really hard on my eggs. Sure makes me sad.

I hope my lone chick is a pullet. I think I will name her Golden.
Isn't she a cutie!!
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Thanks so much for the update! Sorry there wasn't better news. Those orphans are hard NOT to give a special place to. So far mine have both been females, but I'm guessing I would find a special attachment to the little males as well. She(?) IS a beauty! not just because of her orphan status..

I have one egg left peeping but still not pipped - not sure when to interfere, if at all. The other six were all hatched by this morning. Guess if my duck gives up by tomorrow morning, I'll have to venture in to see if there is a duckling to be saved. Anyone have suggestions to how to approach that - with no pips or zips?
Similar to my situation. We started with 10 eggs - my dog ate 3, broody broke or cracked 6 over the course of 2 weeks (some with dead chicks in them), I had to hatch the remaining egg myself - ended up with one chick. Since my broody was such a clutz and even broke one egg with a fully developed chick in it (on day 21), I didn't trust her with the one I saved, so I bought 2 chicks from the feedstore to keep it company. It sure makes that one chick special though - if ours turns out to be a pullet, I'll definitely be keeping her.

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