Anyone hatching with me? Set eggs 4/20

Miss Red

9 Years
Apr 26, 2010
Trinity, Texas
I decided to set some eggs tonight after watching the 'bator run empty for two weeks. It needed to be filled. So I set a full -with turner- bator at 10:30 tonight.

Heres what's in it!


9 EE, Top left corner...
2 White Leghorn x SLW
14 mixed claret egg, not sure on which were from the spangled pens and which were from the solids.
16 eggs from my mixed flock. Either my Aurcauna[sp?] x RIR roo or my Light Sussex is the daddy, guess I'll find out when they hatch!

What's that get me? A full bator with the turner. still have an empty bator I have to keep empty for hatching purposes... Mmhmmm.

ETA: Sorry about the flash on the picture... but you kinda get the point. Also, yes some of the eggs have some sort of stain on them... but whatever it is, it came from my egg cartons I stored them in while waiting to set them. Threw those cartons out afterwords.
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I set mine Sunday night....4/17....41 eggs.
LF Cochins
and eggs from my mixed flock

THEN it dawned on my that I just may have a broody hen! Will know for sure in the next couple of days. And no idea how many eggs she has under her. All should hatch about the same time! AND I have a brooder full right now!

I wish I had A broody hen. But no, I have nine at the moment with four acting like they want to sit. That doesn't include the three currently on chicks. My clarets are very productive sitters if you want one. XD
That reminds me bburn, I had a Blue Cochin Bantam go broody today and I put some eggs under her. She was like, give me more more more!! So I am setting on 4/20 and 4/21!!
I sure love me some Cochins. Mine are LF. Barred Roo over a Black Hen. One of the six that hatched is tiny....really tiny. Still kind of worried about her but she is a little fighter. Made me wonder if there was some bantam in the Black hens DNA.....she was the last to hatch and a third the size of the rest of the Cochin chicks.....guess we will see.

More cochins on the way.....
I wish I had A broody hen. But no, I have nine at the moment with four acting like they want to sit. That doesn't include the three currently on chicks. My clarets are very productive sitters if you want one. XD

Bet you feel like giving them away when they all go broody at once like that.....not really a worry I have with the MOB. Most are RIR hens and a Partridge Rock. I was surprised this one is setting...she is a Dark Cornish. Really never thought about one going broody in that flock. A good surprise really.
Last year I had 20 hens total sit on me at once. Within four weeks of each other... And of course they all got chicks! Ten each. Down to a culled flock, though, having a rough year getting the comb type back in my clarets.

Also, I have some silkie cross hens in the layer coop acting like they want to sit. I'm about to have over 500 birds again.

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