Anyone have a hen or eggs set for October? Join us!

This morning there are 9 chickies! With more peeping and pecking in the incubator. These are all from my bantys, not a peep out of the Welsummer eggs yet. I'm thinking that the rooster has not been doing the rooster dance and maybe they weren't fertile....
A little update; 15 chickies have hatched, including 2 Welsummers! AND there is still some peeping and pecking going on in the 'bator! So happy and excited that everything is turning out so well for my first time!
Yay!! Still nothing here - no peeping or pipping or movement...but I'm being patient. I don't remember exactly when I put them in so it may be that day 21 doesn't even start until this evening. lol It's fine, I know there are 6 babies in there, they will come out when they're ready....breathe and repeat. lol

Here is a few pics of my new babies. I now have 10 that are hatched and at least one other one that is pipped. I have a few chicks that are lighter colored ( as in the photo) but most of them seem to be a bit darker. is there a reason? my dad said it was a male/female thing.. but I don't think so.
No some chickies do have different shades of color, has nothing to do with male and female. BUT it will be interesing if you can keep notes and see what happens later !!

Here is a few pics of my new babies. I now have 10 that are hatched and at least one other one that is pipped. I have a few chicks that are lighter colored ( as in the photo) but most of them seem to be a bit darker. is there a reason? my dad said it was a male/female thing.. but I don't think so.
My babies on lock down. Wish me luck on someone hatching. 1 was for sure good when i went into lock down. the other 4 I couldn't tell either way so i left them hoping nobody blows up on me.

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