Anyone have a hobby that doesn't involve yarn and sewing?

me too for the card making

and yes, I've quilled.

I did some directly onto blown eggs, they came out well but unfortunately I don't have them nor any photos of them to show you. (ex-mother-in-law had them...)

but it's easy to do something that looks incredibly difficult that was actually quite simple with quilling onto an egg - just paint PVA glue onto the section you're working on and have the bits quilled before you apply the glue to the shell
I do some crocheting, sew (mostly to patch things), goof off on the computer, read (lots), sudoku, but lots of stained glass. Going to try a larger piece (Window). I forgot I like to garden.
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We're such a diversified bunch. What a lot of tales to tell. Besides the usual stuff I like to garden and it's such a challenge here in the desert and I like to make birdhouses out of gourds and I also make them out of clay flower pots. I read a lot also and I'm on the computer every day. My grandchildren say they're the only ones whose grandma is on MySpace and Facebook.

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