Anyone have any uber friendly lap chickens?

I have two! Whenever I go outside to chicken-watch they both come running and jump all over me! They also come when they are called. One of them likes her belly rubbed and will fall asleep in my arms and make that cute little chirping sound! The only problem with super friendly chickens is that friends get put off when a chicken jumps into their lap and starts eating their food right out of their hands. . .I love it though!!!
Oh yea I do and 1 cockerel. Nothing like sitting down in the yard for a break and having 11.5 pounds of rooster HOP into your lap for a sit and to have his wattles rubbed.
Our feedstore had a Rooster named Buddy, who was as friendly as could be. You could pick him up and carry him around, he loved to be around people, and other than occasionally trying to mate with your sneaker never exhibited any bad rooster behavior. Everyone loved him. When he died, a mural featuring him was painted on the wall!
I have 2 pens, one with my Bantams, and one with my Standards, and I have sweeties in both, but in particular the super sweet ones are in my Bantam pen. I have a little Barred hen named Petunia. We call her Pooty for short. She is the absolute sweetest bird in the world. When any of us come out to feed or water the birds, Pooty gets right under foot and starts talking to us, waiting to be picked up and kissed and hugged. My mother and I like to take a lawn chair and go sit in the chicken yard with the birds, and Pooty will jump up onto our laps to get scratches and lovins. With my kids she follows them around until they involve her in whatever they are doing. She goes for wagon rides, scooter rides, she goes roller skating, has gone on car rides, you name it. I like to joke around and say that she has a need for speed, lol. She and I sit and have conversations too. Whenever you talk to her she purrs, coos and clucks back as though she understands every word you are saying and is putting in her two cents worth. She actually got a couple of my other hens interested in the lovins she was getting, and now I have 2 Splash Cochin hens that come up for petting and hugs, but one is snugglier than the other. And my little Mottled hen comes up to be held and carried around now too. She is so tiny and sweet, and quiet! She just eats up the attention. I love my girls. I have a couple of Bantam Buff Orpington roos that come up to my kids to get picked up and kissed. Once they get their kiss though, they want down, lol. And I have a Standard Welsummer mixed hen that is in with my Bantams because the Standard flock wouldn't accept her. She was so flighty as a chick (I hatched her out), but has calmed down drastically since she has matured. She will come running when you call her by name and likes to sit in our laps and get petted. She surprised my mother last week when she just jumped into her lap and sat down. She stayed with my mom for a good half hour or so just eating up the attention, it was cute. In my Standard pen I have a roo and 9 hens, and it's my Sexlink hens that are the sweethearts. They were cuddly as chicks and have grown up to be such wonderful girls. They are Amber Sexlinks. Omelet still lets us just reach right down and pick her up, and her sister Poachy comes up to us with no fear and will let us pick her up and hold her. One of my two Welsummer/Ameracauna mixed hens has finally decided that humans aren't the enemy and will approach us willingly (her sister is still a Nervous Nellie though). We call them the Ameracauna sisters cause they were sold to me as Ameracaunas. Their names are Twinkle and Sprinkle. Twinkle is the somewhat friendly one and Sprinkle is the nervous one. I just love my birds, friendly or not. They are all sweet in their own special way.
I have 1-month-old cockeral that I bought as a chick from Tractor Supply. When I approach, he climbs up my pants and shirt to perch on my shoulder or arm. I have to avoid the booger if I'm wearing clean clothes.
i have a polish crested (best guessed to a roo) that will come running when i go to feed them treats hop out of the coop and sit on my shoulder and WAIT for me to had feed him the treats
he is roughly 7 weeks atm but seems like he/she will be one of the more lovable ones
Yes, a bunch of them. Ameraucanas, Delawares, crossbreeds, you name it. My black Ameraucana, Gypsy, wants to be a purse. She insists I hold her many times every day. I'm thinking about fitting her for a shoulder strap, LOL.
I have a hen from our Christmas hatch. She is a BO/RIR. She was the prettiest chick out of 20 chicks. She had curled toes and I was worried about her being picked on. I splinted for 2 days and she came out of it. They were all kind of wild and afraid of everything. I was worried they would never tame down. Now she follows us everywhere. We started taming with treats, now she loves to be petted and hugged. If you enjoy spending time with them, they will tame down. I believe "Henrietta" knows how much we love her.
I have only had chickens for 2 years. She is the first hen I have been so attached to that she will die of old age on our farm. P.S. Thanks to BYC and all the posts about curled toes, she was able to become a big healthy hen.

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