I have one pip of the 16 eggs I put in lockdown yesterday. These are my friends eggs and they are lazier than my chicks lol. Mine were all hatched on day 20 hahaha! I have more eggs that go into lockdown in three days! These will be swap eggs from North Carolina and are EE/OE's with a couple of NN/EE and NN/Frizzle/EE crosses. Should be interesting!
wow trying to read all the posts lol

Sorry if i miss anyone

Its hard to reply to everyone when i havent got to go on all day

If u have any questions and they dnt get answerd on here Please PM me and ill try my best to help u!!

Good Luck to everyone hatching!!!!!!
i hAD two hatch saturday and two more hatched around 5am this morning. their due date was friday that just past. I have three moree eggs, no movement. the one had movement yesterday but none today. i candled the remaining three and the one who had movement yest had an internal pip, i can see shadow of beak. she isnt moving and i dont know if she is a gonner, or shuld i do something in case she is alive??
You can gently break a hole in the top of the shell and peel back a small piece of membrane. I've done this lot of times. If the chick doesn't cheep or move its probably not alive.
3 chicks hatched of my friends Barred Rock and buff orp eggs so far with lots of pips and zips. So ar 3 out of 16.....The 14 chicks I hatched last week have all been sold
More eggs going into lockdown day after tomorrow
Turkey eggs set for April 14th hatching and my five duck eggs are all doing great! Number six was doing great till my 19 month old son climbed out of his crib, opened the bator, took a duck egg out and DROPPED it on the counter, with all contents spilling out! I was soooooooooo not having a good start to THAT morning
Good luck to everyone hatching!
thanks, i will give it a try..

well, no more babies for me. all three were already gone. i didnt fully open two of them as they had a smell and didnt look all the way developed. the one that was moving yestrrday was fully developed could of been saved but maybe not. Im not suere why she died. she was actiive when i went to bed..could she of died from after the other two hatched and were moving the eggs all over the place???? I got 4 out of 7, so I am enjoying these fuzzy babies

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