well, no more babies for me. all three were already gone. i didnt fully open two of them as they had a smell and didnt look all the way developed. the one that was moving yestrrday was fully developed could of been saved but maybe not. Im not suere why she died. she was actiive when i went to bed..could she of died from after the other two hatched and were moving the eggs all over the place???? I got 4 out of 7, so I am enjoying these fuzzy babies

probably just wasn't meant to be..mine knocked them all over the place. 5 of them were rolling the other 4 eggs all over the place and they still hatched
We are on day 19 and in lockdown but cannot get the humidity above 54% is this gonna keep them from hatching and should I see any movement from the eggs at this point?????????
Well, the one that pipped last night was hatched this morning, but the other 6, I don't see or hear anything. It will really be disappointing if I only get one after buying 6 eggs + 2 extra. How long should I wait. We are on day 23 right now.
I have a terrible habbit of scoring the egg in one spot to make sure that all is well with the chick.. I can't recommend it unless you're truely worried the chick is in perril... I've never done it with the incubated eggs (as this is my first incubation) but I have done so with my banty chicken's eggs in September.. she had 16 eggs and it had been 4 days since the last eggs had hatched so I was concerned.. the last three were stillborn.
I have a terrible habbit of scoring the egg in one spot to make sure that all is well with the chick.. I can't recommend it unless you're truely worried the chick is in perril... I've never done it with the incubated eggs (as this is my first incubation) but I have done so with my banty chicken's eggs in September.. she had 16 eggs and it had been 4 days since the last eggs had hatched so I was concerned.. the last three were stillborn.

Please explain what you mean by "scoring". When I go home, I plan on doing the water test to check for any wobbling and candle them. I will probably give it a bit longer and then maybe poke a hole in the air cell end. :/
I take a needle and score the egg around the air sack, like scratch the needle over the egg in the same spot but in different directions (most common is to make an x with the needle over and over until the shell weakens) it's a bit safer than just poking a hole.. because then you won't accidentally stab the baby inside... from there you can peel back the shell a bit and just check in on the baby.. but be sure if it's still alive you add something (wet sponge) to prevent the exposed membrane from drying up.. rendering the little chick trapped. I had to help out many of my bantam chicks because they had double membranes.. it was strange. If you do have to help, be sure to do it very slowly so that the vessels can dry up.. otherwise the chick could bleed to death..
well, no more babies for me. all three were already gone. i didnt fully open two of them as they had a smell and didnt look all the way developed. the one that was moving yestrrday was fully developed could of been saved but maybe not. Im not suere why she died. she was actiive when i went to bed..could she of died from after the other two hatched and were moving the eggs all over the place???? I got 4 out of 7, so I am enjoying these fuzzy babies:jumpy

aww im sorry to hear that. Its always dissapointing when that happens
I take a needle and score the egg around the air sack, like scratch the needle over the egg in the same spot but in different directions (most common is to make an x with the needle over and over until the shell weakens) it's a bit safer than just poking a hole.. because then you won't accidentally stab the baby inside... from there you can peel back the shell a bit and just check in on the baby.. but be sure if it's still alive you add something (wet sponge) to prevent the exposed membrane from drying up.. rendering the little chick trapped. I had to help out many of my bantam chicks because they had double membranes.. it was strange. If you do have to help, be sure to do it very slowly so that the vessels can dry up.. otherwise the chick could bleed to death..

Thank you. I will try this.
Glad you got 4 anyway! YAY! It is disappointing when they are fully developed but still dont hatch out.

Update on my friend's eggs. There are now 8 of 16 hatched with a couple pipped still.

And I am so excited that I finally got my california whites separated from the other chickens!!! YAY!!! I had to put chicken wire up on the two windows, clean out the coop (5 wheel barrows of packed down manure) and screwed buckets to the wall for nesting boxes and then had to catch all six of them, thankfully my husband helped! Now six hens and a gorgeous roo are together and in a week i should have PURE eggs to hatch!!

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