So sorry for your loss...
they were acting fine and then all the sudden they started flopping around and all 6 died in a matter of 5 min. It's a normal lamp like I've always used and never had an issue. One had a pasty butt this morning, but I cleaned it up and they have been eating and drinking fine. ugh, I'm down to 2 silkies and the lakenvelder. I know chicks die bu

im srry for ur loss

wish i knew what was going on so i could help

Hope the rest do ok!
thanks, the others are sleeping now, hope everything is ok now, I have more supposed to hatch in 9-10 days, but just something about the first chicks you ever hatch. The 6 that are in there now are from my little d'uccle so they'll be special too :)
Well, I water tested and candled my 6 remaining eggs. 1 was infertile. I kinda thought that all along, but just kept it in the incubator, just in case. I chipped out a small hole in 2, but they had not finished developing before they quit. The air pockets are so large, but my temperature is right at 100 degrees and my humidity is 70% for lockdown. The humidity was at 30% before lockdown. The other 3 eggs show no movement, sound or smell. Not sure what to do. Think I will wait a couple of more days. Out of 18 eggs and $18.00, I have one chick so far. It might be a while before I try to incubate anymore eggs. But, I do have the 10 I got from the school experiment and was grateful that one of the Black Copper Marans eggs hatched from them. So, it has not been a complete loss I guess.
candled my eggs. tossed 5 from the first set- had blood rings, and 3 from the new set- 1 blood ring, 2 not fertile.

So i still have 100 something eggs in the bator due 2nd-5th of April

Ill know ill have less going into lockdown
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I'm on day 8 of incubation... what do I look for if I want to TRY and candle my eggs? I found a high powered flashlight..

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