Anyone have experience with a blind chicken?


Aug 22, 2022
I'm worried about one of my Black Australorp chicks. We've had them almost 3 weeks. And we always noticed there was something off about this one. I was wondering if maybe the wyandottes were singleing her out or she was sick or what but we just had our second day outside for a few hours and the result is.. We think she might be blind. Ever since we've had her she's seemed to keep to herself and seem a little unstable on her feet. Shes pooping fine thought theres been instances of poop getting stuck in her down feathers but not at her vent. We thought maybe she was just sitting down in it and it sticking. If we holding her she won't step forward. She will always try going backwards like shes scared of whats infront. I'm worried about her future if shes blind. Our purpose of getting chickens is for mainly egg layers now and meat birds once their production drops. The flock will be free ranged daily. Which is where my worry sets in. She doesn't follow any of the other chicks and just stays off to the side by herself.

Does anyone have any experience with a blind hen? Will she eventually rely on the other birds or will she just always be isolated?

As for if were sure shes blind. I'm not 100% I just know theres something off with her. But both my mom and sister in law tried moving their fingers infront of her face and getting close to her eyes and she didnt seem to respond. The others were chasing blowing leaves and one would fly right past her and she wouldn't budge. Once in a while she would peck at the ground infront of her. Also the others barrel right over her and she often doesn't move out of the way if they do. I'm just worried she won't be happy and healthy as a flock bird. She'll sit and let you hold and pet her (I got pooped on today by her) We even tried introducing her to smaller chicks and she just stood like a statue around them.

Blindness is the only thing that makes sense.
I'm worried about one of my Black Australorp chicks. We've had them almost 3 weeks. And we always noticed there was something off about this one. I was wondering if maybe the wyandottes were singleing her out or she was sick or what but we just had our second day outside for a few hours and the result is.. We think she might be blind. Ever since we've had her she's seemed to keep to herself and seem a little unstable on her feet. Shes pooping fine thought theres been instances of poop getting stuck in her down feathers but not at her vent. We thought maybe she was just sitting down in it and it sticking. If we holding her she won't step forward. She will always try going backwards like shes scared of whats infront. I'm worried about her future if shes blind. Our purpose of getting chickens is for mainly egg layers now and meat birds once their production drops. The flock will be free ranged daily. Which is where my worry sets in. She doesn't follow any of the other chicks and just stays off to the side by herself.

Does anyone have any experience with a blind hen? Will she eventually rely on the other birds or will she just always be isolated?

As for if were sure shes blind. I'm not 100% I just know theres something off with her. But both my mom and sister in law tried moving their fingers infront of her face and getting close to her eyes and she didnt seem to respond. The others were chasing blowing leaves and one would fly right past her and she wouldn't budge. Once in a while she would peck at the ground infront of her. Also the others barrel right over her and she often doesn't move out of the way if they do. I'm just worried she won't be happy and healthy as a flock bird. She'll sit and let you hold and pet her (I got pooped on today by her) We even tried introducing her to smaller chicks and she just stood like a statue around them.

Blindness is the only thing that makes sense.
Sounds like she's blind. Get something that would normally scare a non-blind chicken like a stuffed animal and drop it in front of her. If she reacts to it she might be blind. I've never had a blind chicken before (we did think Abigail was deaf, but she responds to my chicken noises).
I hope this was helpful.
Sounds like she's blind. Get something that would normally scare a non-blind chicken like a stuffed animal and drop it in front of her. If she reacts to it she might be blind. I've never had a blind chicken before (we did think Abigail was deaf, but she responds to my chicken noises).
I hope this was helpful.
We actually did have something that did scare the non blind chickens. I covered part of the dog crate with a sheet and it was getting windy and all the other chicks were on the other side farthest away from it moving around and she just sat there without moving away from it no matter how much it moved.. I think she can hear tho she reacted when i tapped the glass food container. So I'm hoping theres hope her future isn't to bleak and that if one of the roosters or perhaps if we get geese thatll sound alarm if any hawks are around that she has a chance for survival. But I'm still worried that with her being blind if she isolates herself from the flock.
We actually did have something that did scare the non blind chickens. I covered part of the dog crate with a sheet and it was getting windy and all the other chicks were on the other side farthest away from it moving around and she just sat there without moving away from it no matter how much it moved.. I think she can hear tho she reacted when i tapped the glass food container. So I'm hoping theres hope her future isn't to bleak and that if one of the roosters or perhaps if we get geese thatll sound alarm if any hawks are around that she has a chance for survival. But I'm still worried that with her being blind if she isolates herself from the flock.
Maybe get her a friend to hang out with her in the cool. I feel sorry for her.
Maybe get her a friend to hang out with her in the cool. I feel sorry for her.
For now we'll be keeping an eye on her. Their still in the brooder But were hoping to get them in a coop at 5-6 weeks depending on weather and how much their feathered. Tonight I sat there after refilling food and water and she slowly made her way over to that side and drank and ate a little bit so I feel a bit better but just before that I tried hand feeding her and all she did was put the tip of her beak to my hand without taking the food.. I just dunno.. We might be getting a few more chicks this year. So even if she doesnt start with the ones her age maybe theres still hope for some youngers.
I'm worried about one of my Black Australorp chicks. We've had them almost 3 weeks. And we always noticed there was something off about this one. I was wondering if maybe the wyandottes were singleing her out or she was sick or what but we just had our second day outside for a few hours and the result is.. We think she might be blind. Ever since we've had her she's seemed to keep to herself and seem a little unstable on her feet. Shes pooping fine thought theres been instances of poop getting stuck in her down feathers but not at her vent. We thought maybe she was just sitting down in it and it sticking. If we holding her she won't step forward. She will always try going backwards like shes scared of whats infront. I'm worried about her future if shes blind. Our purpose of getting chickens is for mainly egg layers now and meat birds once their production drops. The flock will be free ranged daily. Which is where my worry sets in. She doesn't follow any of the other chicks and just stays off to the side by herself.

Does anyone have any experience with a blind hen? Will she eventually rely on the other birds or will she just always be isolated?

As for if were sure shes blind. I'm not 100% I just know theres something off with her. But both my mom and sister in law tried moving their fingers infront of her face and getting close to her eyes and she didnt seem to respond. The others were chasing blowing leaves and one would fly right past her and she wouldn't budge. Once in a while she would peck at the ground infront of her. Also the others barrel right over her and she often doesn't move out of the way if they do. I'm just worried she won't be happy and healthy as a flock bird. She'll sit and let you hold and pet her (I got pooped on today by her) We even tried introducing her to smaller chicks and she just stood like a statue around them.

Blindness is the only thing that makes sense.
This article is worth reading.
So update on her. We took all 12 of our chicks outside. She again proceeded to isolate herself. I attempted to put her with all the others and she followed and pecked at the ground a few times before once again turning into a statue isolating herself. So my mom and I put a blanket between us and put her on it and she laid down and slept.

After our time outside we decided to put her in the divided portion of the brooder with two younger brahma chicks that are much to small to be with the older ones. And there has been a dramatic difference in her. Shes cuddling with them, shes seems to be eating alot more cause I'm refilling the bowl often. Still not sure about if shes blind or partially blind. It's been about two days of her being in there and she fed from my hand which she hadn't been doing lately.

She still seems different than any of the other chicks. She once again did that thing where she put the tip of her beak to my hand multiple times where the food was without eating. And when she finally started eating it was like she was moving her beak around digging through the food and flicking food around. Quite messy I actually had to move the food bowl farther away from the water bowl because she was doing it to and it was getting in the water. I'm just happy shes eating alot more. When I watched her while she was in with the ones her age she wouldn't stand at the food for long. Just long enough for a couple bites and then walk away. She now stands there eating for a few minutes eating before leaving. For now she'll be with the two younger ones hopefully she can bounce back. I'm still highly worried once their all released to the coop once its built that she'll go back to isolating herself.

I don't know if she'll be released with the ones her own age or if she'll continue being with the younger brahmas and be released with them. But for now just gonna keep watch over her. Shes very sweet though. I'm trying to resist naming her to see if she survives but I cant help but think of names to give her lol.
@PhantomSlayer how is your chick doing?
I believe one of my 2 week chicks is blind, too. She's doing ok now (i managed to save her) but i don't know what it will be like when i move them into the coop. Maybe she will stay in all the time, that would be best I think.
We're still not sure if shes blind lol But shes doing alot better! She's bonded with the brahmas and we also added two easter egger chicks with her and with our warmer weather we put her outside with them and shes not as active as the rest but she atleast now moves around and pecks around. She's gonna continue staying in the brooder for now. I dont know if she'll move out with the brahmas or the easter eggers since their even younger and still have a few weeks.

But for now we need to figure out how to stabilize our flock. Our Wyandottes are causing issues preventing any adding to the flock.

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