Anyone have experience with Privett?

My local feed store is getting dominiques and I was debating getting a few. They get their chicks from Privett Hatchery so was wondering if anyone had any experience.

No experience with Privett, but a general tip when buying from a feed store: make sure YOU know what that breed of chick is supposed to look like.

For Dominiques, that includes a particular pattern of black and yellow down, with a flat little comb (baby rose comb), and no feathers on the feet.

Even if a hatchery sends good chicks, some employee at the feed store can easily mix them up, and you might find that you've got Barred Rocks or Silver Laced Wyandottes or Black Australorps or something else that was not what you wanted. You will not be able to check the sex on the chicks at the feed store, but at least you can check some traits of the breed.
I've heard Cackle sells AMs do they have any colors besides Blue and Black? (like wheaten?)
From Cackle’s website:

“Blue Egger Female Surplus – Includes at least 2 of the following breeds: Cream Legbar, Black Ameraucana, Blue Ameraucana, Lavender Ameraucana, White Ameraucana or Splash Ameraucana.

We will try to give as much as a variety as we can but no guarantee of an assortment.”

So Emma, I got my blue wheaten rooster purely by chance from a probable cross of black-breasted red Polish to a white/brown EE. It’s a guess because I remember what breeds/colors were there to be the parents of the green eggs I was given.

Now If I was forced to replace my flock with new birds, I’d order Cackle’s straight run Black Ameracauna and also their Blue Egg Layer Assortment, since that’s mostly Ameracaunas. And because I could plan to set aside a breeding pen of blue egg layers with no brown egg genes. Then start crossing the black and blue Ameracauna with the white/brown hoping for blue wheaten to come out. Any thoughts?
Yep, I was thinking of possibly getting EEs from them but I was mainly thinking about possibly getting some Dominiques and a Speckled Sussex. They are two breeds I want but wouldn't go out of my way to get. My local feed store is going to have them so I was thinking about possibly picking up a few if Privett isn't absolute garbage. I don't plan to show or breed them so quality isn't the most important thing, but I don't want them to be complete trash.
Again I confirm that my Wyandottes from Privett had undesirably thin shells that good upbringing and nutrtition did not fix.
From Cackle’s website:

“Blue Egger Female Surplus – Includes at least 2 of the following breeds: Cream Legbar, Black Ameraucana, Blue Ameraucana, Lavender Ameraucana, White Ameraucana or Splash Ameraucana.

We will try to give as much as a variety as we can but no guarantee of an assortment.”

So Emma, I got my blue wheaten rooster purely by chance from a probable cross of black-breasted red Polish to a white/brown EE. It’s a guess because I remember what breeds/colors were there to be the parents of the green eggs I was given.

Now If I was forced to replace my flock with new birds, I’d order Cackle’s straight run Black Ameracauna and also their Blue Egg Layer Assortment, since that’s mostly Ameracaunas. And because I could plan to set aside a breeding pen of blue egg layers with no brown egg genes. Then start crossing the black and blue Ameracauna with the white/brown hoping for blue wheaten to come out. Any thoughts?
Thanks for that link! That was very helpful and while this was me trying to figure out Dominiques and SS you just figured out my longing for more Ameraucanas AND ongoing quest for blue eggs! I can't thank you enough. :bow

And while they can't guarantee variety that might make it even more fun! Like a mystery box of what I'm gonna get! :wee
Thanks for that link! That was very helpful and while this was me trying to figure out Dominiques and SS you just figured out my longing for more Ameraucanas AND ongoing quest for blue eggs! I can't thank you enough. :bow

And while they can't guarantee variety that might make it even more fun! Like a mystery box of what I'm gonna get! :wee
Excellent! And I will continue teaching my spell checker how to spell Amera Cajuns 😄 Ameracauna 😂 Ameraucana !
So far I am not having much hope for them as on there website I found this:


Reading that had me FUMING, there is so much wrong in that single paragraph, and I feel like anyone who had any knowledge of EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas, would not have typed that.

Wow that’s the worst description I’ve ever seen. “Americanas are not to be confused with Americanas”

That’s gonna trip up some people.
Egg color is also listed as simply ‘green’ which is very incorrect, and will confuse even more.
true, although maybe most birds from them lay green? but still, they wont all lay green, so it's definitely confusing
Oh I think it was "Sandhill Hatchery'?
yeah, it was Sandhill
Either way, with those 'americanas that aren't americanas' I wouldn't trust them.
yes :gig
My local feed store is getting dominiques and I was debating getting a few. They get their chicks from Privett Hatchery so was wondering if anyone had any experience.

So far I am not having much hope for them as on there website I found this:

View attachment 2513486

Reading that had me FUMING, there is so much wrong in that single paragraph, and I feel like anyone who had any knowledge of EEs, Ameraucanas, and Araucanas, would not have typed that.

But it has been a few days and I decided to give them the benefit of the doubt that they just hired someone with no knowledge to write it.

So, Privett experiences....?
I purchased two EE from a local feed store that uses Privett Hatchery. One looks like a nice EE pullet (10 weeks of age now) and the other is a rumpless neurotic, knock-need weirdo that talks a lot but unlike any chicken I've heard before. He used to scream out of nowhere and act as though he was being attacked when literally NOTHING near him touched him and the wind did not blow anything... He's nuts. I say he because his coloration appears to be that of a cockerel (ruddy/blotchy). With no tail (rumpless) he certainly doesn't have good EE genetics. smh We will probably cull him when we cull our meatbirds later this summer or early fall. IDK I don't want his genetics carried on. Poor thing is a genetic disaster.
Well that depends if Privett holds up to above absolute trash. ;)
Yeah, yes they do - at least for EE. Our Buff Orpingtons look okay (from Privett), though they appear to be less developed than other people sharing videos on YT about their 12wk old BO pullets. Mine haven't developed a small comb yet and their faces are only just getting pinker. We won't be purchasing through that feed store for chickens. Our Magpie ducks (again, through Privett) are looking nice and healthy though the breed standard isn't well maintained in their coloration. I have a Magpie girl who has a long thick stripe from the "cap" to her shoulders, as though it's long thick hair (in coloration). She's certainly not one to be kept if I was going to breed my Magpies for hatching eggs to sell. I'm not. They are hatchery quality.

I know this is a dead thread, but I wanted to add more info in case people (like myself) searched for Privett Hatchery and were looking for info specific to EE.

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